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Clear Sky Charts
in Connecticut

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39 Bradley Park Rd
BlueBirdsKnoll Observatory
A private observatory of a member of the Astronomical Society of New Haven.
Bowman Observatory
Observatory of the Greenwich Board of Education and operated by the Astronomical Society of Greenwich. In Greenwich.
Also covers Stratford, which is home of the Boothe Memorial Astronomical Society.
A town in Hartford county.
Changstars Observatory
A private observatory.
Connecticut Star Party
**New Location for 2016***. A star party held by the The Astronomical Society of New Haven. Held at Ed Strang Scout Reservation.
Home of the Student Astronomy Club at Western Connecticut State University. Also covers Ridgefield, Brewster and Newtown.
Deer Lake
East Hartford
Gebbie Observatory
A private observatory in Granby.
Goodwin Conservation Center
A public education center used for public star parties by the Astonomical Society of Greater Hartford. In Hampton.
Greenwich Observatory
A private observatory in Greenwich, CT.
Home of the Astronomical Society of Greater Hartford.
Hidden Lake Observatory
A private observatory somewhere around Colebrook.
Joes Universe
A private observatory.
John J. McCarthy Observatory
Observatory(IAU 932) run by the Western Connecticut Chapter, Society for Amateur Scientists .
Leitner Observatory and Planetarium
Observatory of Yale University. Site of public events. In New Haven.
Leslie C. Peltier Observatory
A private observatory near Thomaston.
Mattatuck Astronomical Society Observatory
An observatory of the Mattatuck Astronomical Society located in the White Memorial Conservation Center. Also used by the Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club. Near Litchfield.
A town.
New Haven
Home of the Astronomical Society of New Haven.
Old Lyme
Forecast also covers Roger's Lake, Laysville, Old Saybrook, Westbrook, Ivorytown, Centerbook, Essex and Rocky Neck State Park.
Olin Observatory
Observatory of Connecticut College.
Perras Observatory
A private observatory in Southington.
Also covers Norwich.
PropBusters Flying Field
A private farmer's field rented by the PropBusters Flying RC Club and used by the Thames Amateur Astronomical Society (TAASCT) with the RC club's approval.
Roxbury Airport
Actually a private hangar/airfield on a private farm. Used by local astronomers for public starparties.
Sights Above Private Observatory
A private observatory near Middletown.
Silver Sands State Park
State park near Milford. Used by the Astronomical Society of New Haven
Sirius Astronomical Observatory
A private observatory in Glastonbury.
Southington Observatory
A private observatory in Southington.
Southwind Observatory
Stamford Observatory
Observatory of the Fairfield County Astronomical Society.
The Hotchkiss School
School and home of the Hotchkiss School Astronomy Club.
The Westport Observatory
Observatory of the Westport Astronomical Society.
Thimble Islands Observatory
A private observatory near Stony Creek.
UConn at Avery Point
Home of the UConn at University of Connecticut, Avery Point campus.
University of Connecticut Observatory
Observatory of UConn. In Storrs.
Van Vleck Observatory
Observatory of Wesleyan University, which is site of public astronomy sessions held by Astronomical Society of Greater Hartford. In Middletown.
Young's Pond
A site used by the Astronomical Society of New Haven. Near Branford.

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