Bahamas |
- Cat Island
- Cat Island (South)
- Centered on Zonicles, this chart covers the southern half of Cat island, in the Bahamas.
Grand BahamaNew Providence | Canada |
Abraham LakeAirdrieAlberta Star PartyAll-Star Telescope Observing SiteAndrewAthabascaAthabasca FallsBanff- Forecast covers the town of Banff and the surrounding 15km, not the whole park.
BarrheadBattle River- A private observing site.
BeaverlodgeBergenBerry CreekBig Sky Observatory SiteBlack Diamond- Forecast also covers the town of Turner Valley.
Bluerock CampgroundBon Accord Observatory- Proposed public observatory site in the town of Bon Accord.
BonnyvilleBow IslandBragg CreekBretonBrooksCamroseCanmoreCardstonCareslandCarmangay VillageCarolineCarvel ObservatoryChestermereClaresholmClunyCochraneCold Lake- Forecast also covers Cold Lake North.
CoronationCrossfieldCrowsnest PassCypress Hills Dark-Sky Preserve - CHICODinosaur Provincial ParkDogpound- A town in Mountain View county, Alberta.
Drayton ValleyDrumhellerEdsonElbow FallsElbow Valley- A subdivision in the municipality of Md of Rocky View. South east of Calgary.
EstherFifth Meridian Observatory- A private observatory SW of High River.
Fort ChipewyanFort MacKay/Firebag Aerodrome- Airport used by the Firebag Observer Group.
Fort McMurray- Home of the Astronomical Society of Fort McMurray.
Glennifer LakeGrande CacheGrande PrairieHigh Level Airport- Airport near the town of High Level.
High RiverHighvaleHintonHorseshoe CanyonHythe Observatory- A private observatory in the town of Hythe.
InnisfailIrmaJasperJasper Athabasca GlacierJasper House ViewpointJasper Maligne LakeJasper Marmot MeadowsKeivers LakeKeoma Public FieldsKitscotyLac la BicheLacombeLake LouiseLakeland Provincial ParkLeducLethbridgeLittle Bow ReservoirLloydminsterLong Island LakeLàr Na Cruinne Observatory- A private observatory in West Calgary.
MaycroftMedicine HatMedicine Lake ViewpointMildred LakeMilk RiverMiquelon Lake Provincial ParkNewbrook ObservatoryNordeggNorth RamNorthdog Observatory- A private observatory near Grand Prarie.
OkotoksOldsPeace RiverPelican PointPeyto LakePigeon LakePincher CreekPisony RanchRainbow LakeRed DeerRidge Park CampgroundRocky Mountain HouseRothney Astrophysical Observatory- Observatory of the University of Calgary. Near Priddis.
Sandy McNabb CampgroundShaw LakeSheerness LakeSlave LakeSouthern Alberta Star PartySpace Hut ObservatorySpirit River Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Spirit River.
Starry Knight Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Three Hills.
StavelyStettlerStony PlainStrathcona Wilderness CentreStrathmoreSuffieldSulphur Mountain Cosmic Ray StationSummer Village of Yellowstone- A private observing site, north-west of Edmonton.
SundreSunny Valley Observatory- A private observatory 15km east of the town of Northstar.
Sunridge ObservatorySwan HillsSyzygy Observatory, Alberta- Private observatory near Legal Alberta
TaberThe Gravel Pit- An informal observing site,at a gravel pit, on RR113 near Nojack.
The Ranch ObservatoryThird Stone ObservatoryThree HillsUpper Kananaskis LakeVegrevilleVermilionVulcanWainwrightWaiparous Valley ViewpointWatertonWesley CreekWestlockWetaskiwinWhitecourtWhitemud Lake Gravel PitWriting-on-Stone Provincial ParkWyndham Caresland Provincial ParkWyrd Works- A private observing site near Trochu.
British ColumbiaAgassizAldergrove Lake Regional ParkAllSky Camera - 108 Mile RanchAllSky Camera - Tatla LakeAnarchist Mountain ObservatoryAshcroftAtlinBX ObservatoryBella BellaBella CoolaBlue RiverBoundary BayBowen IslandBurns LakeCabin in the Sky ObservatoryCache CreekCampbell RiverCampbell Valley Regional ParkCastlegarChetwyndChilliwackChilliwack LakeClearwaterComoxCourtenayCranbrookCrestonDawson CreekDease LakeDiamond TrailheadDome CreekDominion Astrophysical ObservatoryDuncanEast Point -- Saturna IslandEd Majden Observatory- A private observatory specializing in meteor science. Near Courtenay.
ElkfordEsquimaltEstevan PointFanny Bay- Forecast also covers Union Bay, Denman Island and Bowser.
Fernie Alpine ResortFort NelsonFort Saint JamesFort Saint JohnFort Steele Resort & RV ParkGarden Bay ObservatoryGibsonsGold RiverGoldenGolden Ears ObservatoryGordon MacMillan Southam ObservatoryGoudie RoadGrand ForksGreen LakeHarrington Lodge Silver Star ObservatoryHopeHope SlideInvermereIsle PierreKamloopsKelownaKepCo Observatory- A private observatory near Bridesville.
KitimatKnudson Forestry Service RoadLangleyLasqueti Island Observatory- A private observatory near Lambert Lake on Lasqueti Island.
LillooetLoon Lake Road Observing SiteLyttonMalahatManning Provincial ParkMcBrideMcDonald ParkMcMicking PointMerrittMount Kobau Star Party- A star party on Mt. Kobau, about 20km from Osoyoos.
Muncho Lake Provincial ParkMyrtle Park- Centered on Myrtle Park
this chart covers the area locally known as Deep Cove. Members of the North Shore Astronomy Club observe nearby.
NakuspNanaimoNelsonNewton/Godin ObservatoryOkanagan ObservatoryOsoyoosOtter PointPeachlandPembertonPentictonPitt MeadowsPort AlberniPort CoquitlamPort HardyPorteau Cove Provincial ParkPowell RiverPredator BayPrince GeorgePrince George Centre ObservatoryPrince RupertPrincetonQualicum Beach- Forecast also covers Parksville and Hilliers.
QuesnelQuilchena RanchRASC Sunshine Coast ObservatoryRannie Road- A spot along Rannie Road in Port Coquitlam.
RevelstokeRichmondRock CreekSalmon ArmSalt Spring IslandSan Josef BaySecheltShawnigan Lake School ObservatorySheridan LakeSmithersSparwoodSproat Lake (east)- For the eastern half of Sproat lake on Vancouver island.
Spruce Ridge Observatory- A private observatory near Cranbrook.
Squamish- Centered on a public spot called Cattermole Slough. Forecast also covers Britannia Beach.
Squirrel CoveStake Lake ObservatoryStone Garden Observatory- A private observatory near Miworth.
SummerlandSun, Moon and Stars ObservatorySurreyTantalus Lookout- A lookout along the Sea to Sky Hwy.
Tatlayoko LakeTerraceTofino- Also covers Long Beach and Clayoquot.
TrailTrottier ObservatoryTumbler RidgeUBC Forest SiteUBC Liquid-Mirror ObservatoryUclueletUniversity of British ColumbiaValemountVancouverVanderhoofVernonVictoriaWalloper LakeWest VancouverWhistlerWhite RockWren ParkManitobaClearwater LakeDauphinDeerwoodDominion CityFisher BranchGillamGimliGlenlea Astronomical ObservatoryGrand BeachLake Manitoba NarrowsMelitaMordenMorrisNivervilleNorway HouseOak Hummock Marsh Interpretive CenterOak PointPilot MoundPinawaPortage La PrairieRock LakeSandi South Woodridge- About 15km north-east of Woodridge, MB. Used by the Sandi South Astro Boyz imaging group.
Sandilands ObservatorySeddon's CornerSourisSpragueSpruce Woods Provincial ParkSt. Malo Provincial ParkSteinbachSwan RiverTaché Observation Point- An unofficial observing site on a public roadside near Taché.
TeulonThe Pas- Home of The Pas Astronomy Group.
ThompsonVictoria BeachVirdenWasagamingWhiteshell Provincial ParkWinklerWinnipegYork FactoryNew BrunswickAlmaBathurstBirdtonBouctoucheCambridge NarrowsChipmanDalhousieDoghouse Observatory- A private observatory near Shemogue.
FrederictonFundy National ParkGower Observatory- A private observatory in Cumberland Bay.
Grand Manan IslandHamptonHanwellHopewell Rocks Provincial ParkIrving Nature ParkKouchibouguac National ParkMactaquac Provincial ParkMiramichi (Bay du Vin)- The town originaly named Mirimachi near the shore of Bay du Vin. Not to be confused with Mirimachi City which was formerly Newcastle.
Miramichi City (Newcastle)- Located at the former town of Newcastle, and includes Chatham, Loggieville, Douglastown and, Nelson.
Miscou IslandMonctonMount Carleton Provincial ParkOromoctoPFO ObservatoryPort ElginQuispamsis- Forecast also covers Rothsay and Nauwiqewauk.
Rachel's ObservatorySackvilleSaint JohnSaint StephenShediacShediac River ObservatorySt. AndrewsSussexUpper Gagetown- Forecast also covers Grand Lake Meadow, Coytown, and Hersey Corner.
WestfieldWilliams ObservatoryWoodpecker Lodge ObservatoryWoodstockNewfoundlandCape RaceClarenvilleDeer LakeGanderGoose BayGrand Falls-WindsorGros Morne National ParkLabrador CityLady Lake Astronomical Observatory- LLAO is a private observatory. Near Harbour Grace.
LewisporteMarystownSandbanks Provincial ParkSpringdaleSt. AnthonyStephenvilleThree dog ObservatoryTwillingateTwillingate Astronomical ObservatoryWhitewayNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaAcadia UniversityAmherstAntigonishArgyleBaddeckBangs FallsBarringtonBeaver IslandBlomidon Provincial ParkBridgetownBridgewaterBrier IslandCaptains Way- A turn-around at the end of Captain's Way, a road near Porter Cove.
CaribouCharlos CoveChesterCheticampCourthouse Hill- A spot on Courthouse Hill road. Near Gore, NS.
DeepSkyEye Observatory- A private observatory offering deep sky tours. Located near Quinan.
Owned by a member of the RASC Halifax centre.
DigbyEconomyElentirmo ObservatoryGairloch Mountain Observatory- A private observatory near Middle River.
GreenwoodGuysboroughHall's Harbour ObservatoryIngonish BeachKejimkujik National ParkKentvilleLeitches CreekLiscomb Game SanctuaryLunenburgMahone BayMalay FallsMaple-Brook Observatory- A private observatory near Oakfield.
McGill's IslandMusquodoboit HarbourNew GlasgowNorth East MargareeParrsboroPort HilfordPort Mouton Observatory- A private observatory near Port Mouton.
Queens- Forecast also covers Liverpool(NS), Brooklyn(NS), and Milton.
RichmondSmiley's Provincial ParkSouth Range- Forecast also covers Hilgrove, North Range and Amirault's Corners.
St. Croix ObservatorySt. F.X. ObservatorySt. Peter'sSturk Road Observatory- A private observatory in Morristown.
SydneyTatamagoucheThe Deanery ProjectThe Islands Provincial ParkTrout Point Lodge- A resort with astronomy excursions for guests.
TruroTwo Rivers ObservatoryWallaceWestern HeadWharf Road ObservatoryWhitby Ridge ObservatoryWindsorWrights Lake ObservatoryYarmouthNunavutOntarioAjaxAlgonquin Radio ObservatoryAllenford Observatory- A private observatory near Allenford.
AllistonAnnual International Video Astronomy Star PartyAnstruther Lake ObservatoryApsleyArdenArmstrongAshburn Astronomical ObservatoryAstrodoc's Doghouse ObservatoryAtikokanAvonmoreB. Williams Mem. Observatory- A private observatory near New Tecumseth.
Baetsen ObservatoryBaltic Corners- South of the Village of Dunvegan, east from Maxville and west of Alexandria.
BancroftBarred Owl Observatory- A private observatory near Carp.
BarrieBarry's BayBartole Observing Platform- A private observatory somewhere around Cook's Bay.
- A private observatory in Battersea.
Baxter Conservation AreaBay Ridges Observatory- A private obseratory in Pickering.
BayfieldBeamsvilleBeaver River Observatory- A private obsrevatory somewhere in the Grey Highlands.
Beckwith Park- Park in Black's Corners near Carleton Place. A site used by the
BellevilleBetelgeuse Bar & GrillBig Bend Observatory- A private observatory of a member of the RASC London Centre.
Big Trout LakeBlack Creek Pond- A small pond along Black Creek road in Lanark County.
Black Lake Observatory- A private observatory between Perth and Westport.
Black Skies Observatory- A private observatory near Waubaushene.
Blind RiverBlue Braille ObservatoryBlue Heron Observatory- A private observatory in Greenough Harbour, outside of Stokes Bay Ontario, on the Northern Bruce Peninsula.
Blue Springs CampBoltonBonnechere Provincial Park- Provincial park on Round lake.
(Note: Nearby Bonnechere airstrip is nolonger accessable for observing.)
Bootland FarmBoundary Road- AKA Stetsons Flyers. A site, south-east of Ottawa, used by the OAOG.
BracebridgeBramptonBrampton BrightSkies Observatory- A private observatory in Brampton.
BrantfordBrockvilleBrodie Road ObservatoryBrundish ObservatoryBuckhorn ObservatoryBurk's FallsBurlingtonBurwashCAMSAT ObservatoryCMORCMiller ObservatoryCabot HeadCaledonCambridgeCamden LakeCamp Cedarwin Scout CampCamp Kawartha- A non-profit camp for kids and adults.
Camp KintailCamp No'Chimik- A private farm. South of Manotick.
Camp Opemikon- Centered on the overflow parking lot, accross the road from Scout
Camp Opemikon. The parking lot is used as casual observing site from some observers from
Ottawa as it doesn't require entry to the camp.
Camp SamacCamp Saulaine- Between Angus and Barrie.
CampbellfordCanadian Ecology Centre ObservatoryCanary Rise ObservatoryCayugaChapleauCharleston LakeChathamChi'Cheemaun 1/3rd Point- A spot in Georgian bay approixmately 1/3 of the way from Tobermory to Baymouth along the Chi'Cheemaun ferry's route.
The Chi'Cheemaun ferry is host to public astronomy sessions while under way across Georgian Bay.
Chi'Cheemaun 2/3rds Point- A spot in Georgian bay approixmately 2/3 of the way from Tobermory to Baymouth along the Chi'Cheemaun ferry's route.
The Chi'Cheemaun ferry is host to public astronomy sessions while under way across Georgian Bay.
Chickadee Ridge ObservatoryChimnissing- Centered on the West Beach of Chimnissing. On Christian Island in Georgian Bay.
ChurchillChurchill Chimes Equestrian CenterClearing off Thompson Road- A clearing off Thompson road off of HYW 118. Private property. Use with permission.
CobourgCochraneColbeck Observatory- A private observatory near Colbeck.
Cold Creek Conservation AreaCollingwoodConestogo LakeCoyote Observatory- A private observatory near White Lake.
Curiosity ObservatoryCygnus Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Maberly.
DRAACO- Durham Region Astronomical Association Centre for Observing. Home of the DRAA.
Dana-Jowsey Lakes Provincial ParkDavid Reain Memorial ObservatoryDeep RiverDelhi (ON)Delta Rocky Crest ResortDenholm ObservatoryDoran PlanetariumDorcas BayDorionDornochDriftwood Provincial ParkDrydenDunchurchDundalkDurhamELAC-StanleighES Fox Observatory (BAS/BOEC)Ear FallsEarl Rowe Provincial ParkEarltonEarwig Haven ObservatoryElginfield ObservatoryElliot LakeEmbro Observatory- A private observatory near Embro.
EmbrunEspanolaFall 'N' StarsFenelon FallsFergusFingal Wildlife CentreFiremen's ParkFisher's ParadiseFive Ferns Observation Site- AKA the Fougere Homestead. A site used by the OAOG. Near Williamsburg.
Forks of the CreditFort ErieFort Erie Observatory- A private observatory near Fort Erie.
Fort FrancesFort SevernFour Corners Algonquin ObservatoryFour Corners Madawaska ObservatoryFour Elements ObservatoryFox Run ObservatoryFoxmead ObservatoryFoymountFred's Backyard Observatory- A private observatory in Etobicoke.
FvH Observatory- A private observatory in Trenton.
G-2 Farms ObservatoryGEM 'N I DobservatoryGambridge Go-Karts- A go cart track near Gambebridge Beach.
GananoqueGeraldtonGoderichGogamaGoodwoodGore BayGravenhurstGreater NapaneeGreen Ridge Observatory- A private observatory near Ridgetown.
Grey Highland Skies Observatory- A private observatory near Dundalk.
GuelphGull BayHackbart Road Hill- Also called Cross Hill. A spot on the side of Hackbart Road, 100 meters up from the radio tower.
Used by some memebers of the RASC Kitchener-Waterloo Center. Near St. Clemens.
HaldimandHaliburton CountyHaliburton Forest ObservatoryHaliburton Scout ReserveHallam ObservatoryHalton HillsHamilton Centre ObservatoryHammondHawkesburyHearstHiddenwell ObservatoryHighlands Wilderness ObservatoryHume Cronyn ObservatoryHuntsvilleInnisfilInukshuk Observatory- A private observatory in Ottawa.
Iroquois FallsIsland Grove Observatory.- Near Keswick on southernmost Lake Simcoe.
Ivanhoe Observatory- A private observatory near Ivanhoe.
Jock River ObservatoryJohnston's HarbourK&P at Clyde Forks- A spot along Clyde Forks road where it ends at the K&P trail.
KW Observatory- A private obsrevatory near Thornhill.
Kakabeka FallsKaladarKapuskasingKathik-B Observatory- A private observatory in Kanata.
Kawartha Observatory- A private observatory in Lindsay.
KemptvilleKendrick Astro Observatory- A private observatory in Toronto.
Kennelly's MountainKenoraKeppel Henge- A solar-system observatory with unusually robust instruments.
Located at Keppel Croft Gardens,
near the shore of Georgean Bay between Wiarton and Owen Sound.
Keswick Observing SiteKevin's Cabin- A private observing site.
KillarneyKincardineKingstonKirkland LakeKitchener-WaterlooLagoon CityLake St. Peter Provincial ParkLake Superior Provincial Park- Centered on Agawa Bay of the park.
Lake of BaysLake of the Woods (North-East)- North East part of the lake.
Lakehenge ObservatoryLambton ShoresLeamingtonLeslie George Marczi Observatory- AKA LGMO. A private observatory in Welland.
Limerick Forest Pit- A public parking lot located in Limerick Forest which is managed by the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.
LincolnLion's Head Dark Sky Viewing PlatformLloyd Manor ParkLondon- A commercial observatory, open to the public. Near Port Dover.
Long Point Provincial ParkLookout Point- A lookout on Lookout Road, in Westmeath.
Loon Call Observatory- A private observatory near Coe Hill.
Lora BayLorenz ObservatoryManitoulin Eco ParkMarathonMarble Lake Observatory- A private observatory near Cloyne.
MarkhamMarmoraMarten River Provincial ParkMason Bald Observatory- A private observatory in Frankford.
MattawaMcCauley Lake ObservatoryMerrickville- Home of some members of the OAOG.
Mew Lake CampgroundMidlandMill Pond ObservatoryMillbrookMiller LakeMiltonMinakakis Observatory- A private observatory near Halton Hills.
Monkton Observing SiteMontreal River HarbourMoosonee / Moose FactoryMorrisburgMount Albert Lion's ClubMount ForestMount Mould Observatory- A private observatory near Gooderham. Also known as MMO.
Mount Nemo Observatory- A private observatory in North Augusta.
Munro ParkMuskoka District MunicipalityNarrows LockNelsons Bay Observatory- A private observatory on Deer Lake near South River.
Nestor FallsNew Hamburg ObservatoryNew LiskeardNewcastle ObservatoryNewmarketNiagaraNiagara Centre ObservatoryNiagara FallsNipigonNirvana- Where OAFs go when they have earned enough
observing karma. AKA Irvine Lake Airstrip. Near Bon Echo Provincial Park. Note: no cell phone service.
Norfolk CountyNorth BayNorth Frontenac Astronomy ParkNorth GlengarryNorth PerthOAOG Moose Creek- A site on private land used by the OAOG with permission. Near Casselman.
Oak Hills- A private observing site in Popow Ranch
Oak Lake ObservatoryOakdaleOakvilleObservatory on the Ridge- A private observatory near Ridgeway.
Og's BogOgokiOld Hastings ObservatoryOrangevilleOrilliaOshawaOtter Lake Scout CampOwen SoundOxford ObservatoryOxtongue LakePalgrave Conservation AreaParry SoundPelee Island- Actually, the southernmost point in Canada at the
Fish Point Provincial Park.
The best spot for observing Omega Centauri from Canada.
PerthPetawawaPetawawa Terrace Provincial Nature ReservePeterboroughPhoton's End Observatory- A private observatory in Orleans. Ni!
PickeringPickle LakePictonPictor ObservatoryPine Islands- In Georgian Bay half way between Parry Sound and Honey Harbour.
Pine River ObservatoryPinhey's PointPit Road- A spot along Pit road (aka Mcguinty Rd) used by some Ottawa area observers. Near Osceola.
Point ClarkPoint Pelee National ParkPoint Petre- A spot at the end of end of Simpson Road used by some RASC Kingston members for Mars observing.
Ponte di Legno Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Ferndale.
Poole's Resort Observatory- Site of future private observatory. Named after Pool's Resort Road. Near Mallorytown.
Port Burwell Provincial ParkPort CarlingPort ColbornePort DoverPort ElginPort FranksPort PerryPort Perry Astronomical ObservatoryPrinyer's CovePte. au BarilPurple Crow Lidar FacilityQuadeville Road- A spot along Quadeville road near Wolfe.
Quetican ObservatoryQuinte WestR2 Observatory- Private observing site of the Phd Astro group.
ROBOsky.com Wild Flower Ridge ObservatoryRenfrewRestoule Provincial ParkRichmond HillRideau Ferry Observatory- A private observatory near Rideau Ferry.
Rock LakeRodneyRondeau Provincial ParkSalvador Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Pickering.
Sandy Cove- At the north-east end of Three Mile Lake. Near Burk Falls.
Sandy Flats Observatory- A private observatory near Roseneath.
Sandy LakeSarniaSeaway Observatory- A private observatory in Cardinal.
Sharbot LakeShelburneSideroad 10D- A spot on Sideroad 10D, in Grey county.
Silent LakeSimcoeSioux LookoutSkyShed ObservatoriesSmiths FallsSouth BaymouthSouth Bruce PeninsulaSouth MountainSouth Nation Space Station- A private observatory near Jessups falls.
Split Rock ObservatorySpring Hill School Observatory- A private observatory at the site of a former school. Near Drumbo Blandford-Blenheim.
Springwater Conservation AreaSt CatharinesSt. ThomasStarfestStarlight Cascade ObservatoryStirling-RawdonStratfordStrathroySudburySunday Creek Observatory- A private observatory 30 Minutes west of Englehart.
Sunset Bay- A private observatory on the SW end of White Lake, occaisonally used by some members of OAFs.
SydenhamTaigh nan Reul- Scottish Gaelec for "House of Stars". A private observatory.
Tatlock Quarry Outlook- Outlook over a working quarry. Access is by private road with 'use at your own risk' signage. Gate is closed in the winter.
Teeples Hill- Private property on Teeple Haley Road. Permission required.
Temiskaming ShoresTerrace BayThe Blue Marble ObservatoryThe Glenelg ObservatoryThe Observatory on the LakeThunder BayThunder Bay ObservatoryTilburyTillsonburgTimminsTiny Marsh Provincial Wildlife AreaTobermoryToronto IslandsTreadwell ObservatoryTrentonUpUp Observatory- A private observatory on Hiraeth Island, Lost Channel near Severn Falls.
UpsalaVSO- AKA Very Small Obsrevatory. A private observatory near Ancaster.
VaughanVictor MineVinelandWBI/BrittWalkertonWatch Observatory 2WawaWeather and Sky ObservatoryWebequie Indian ReserveWellandWestportWeymouth Pines Observatory- A private observatory near Middlesex Centre.
Whiskey Bay ObservatoryWhistleStop ObservatoryWhitbyWhite RiverWhitefishWiartonWillowbrook ObservatoryWinchesterWindsorWinghamWoodbridgeWoodland TrailsWoodstockYork University ObservatoryZion Camp- A site used by the OAOG. In Forester's Falls, about 10km from Cobden.
Prince Edward IslandPoverty Beach ObservatorySaint Peters BaySlemon ParkSummersideTerrarouge ObservatoryTignishWest Point(PE)Winter Bay ObservatoryQuebecBaie-ComeauBaie-JamesBaie-Saint-PaulBeaucevilleBellevue ObservatoryBeloeilBelvédère du Lac de l'EstBishop's University Astronomical ObservatoryBlack Bear Adventures QuebecBlanc-SablonBoisbriandBonaventureBoreal Skies ObservatoryC.O.A.M.N.D.- COAMND est le Centre d'Observation Astronomique Des Monts Notre-Dame
CAAL FarnhamCAAS - Parc Ecoforestier JohnvilleCEGEP Beauce-Appalaches- link. En St-Georges (Beauce).
Campement PéribonkaCamping Portage (Laverendrie)- Un site dans la Reserverve Laverendrie.
CandiacCanton de Shefford- Site d'observation de Martin, près de Granby/Bromont
Cap-ChatCarleton-sur-merCentre écologique de Port-au-SaumonChamblyChamplain BelvédèreChandlerCharlevoix Regional County MunicipalityChelseaChibougamauChicoutimiChisasibiClub d'Astronomie Sirius du Saguenay- Site d'observation de la Club Sirius. Près de Chicoutimi
CoaticookContrecoeurCovey-HillCowansvilleCégep de ThetfordDolbeau-MistassiniDomaine Saint-BernardDonnaconaDorvalDrummondvilleEdja LakeFabrevilleFerme Alarie- Une ferme privée. Près de Brébeuf.
Ferme VéronneauFermontForestvilleForillon National ParkGaspéGatineauGatineau Gliding Club- Private site of a flying club accessable to members, some of which are observers.
Girard Observatory- A private observatory near West Brome.
GranbyGrande-ValleeHavre-Saint-PierreHudsonHuntingdonIbis Observatoire- Une observatoire privé. Près de Saint-Fabien-de-Panet.
JolietteKamouraskaL'AssomptionL'IsletL'acceuil du Petit Lac- Emplacement de camper d'astronomie organisé par le SAPM.
La Butte à MounetteLa MalbaieLa PrairieLa SarreLa Seigneurie du TritonLa TuqueLac BoswellLac ChantierLac ConnellyLac EchoLac GagnonLac GeorgesLac HeneyLac LasalleLac LoveringLac NominingueLac SacacomieLac St-JosephLac de la Montagne noireLac des IletsLac des PilesLac-MeganticLachuteLake MacDonald- Near Lost River and Lakeview
LavalLaval-WestLe Domaine- Un domaine grande ouverte au milieu de la Reserverve Laverendrie.
Le Golf Sélect de MirabelLes Coteaux- Forecast also covers Coteau-du-Lac and Saint-Zotique.
Les EscouminsLevisLongueuilLorraineLouisevilleLuskville FallsMagogMalbie River- A region of the Malbie River surrounded by land of the Nature Conservancy of Canada.
Manic-5ManiwakiMarievilleMascoucheMataneMauricieMinganMont Ham-NordMont HerefordMont St-Alex- Site d'observatoires privés. Près de Saint-Alexandre.
Mont-JoliMont-LaurierMont-Saint-HilaireMont-TremblantMontmagnyMontrealMontréalMorin-HeightsMurdochvilleNicoletNotre-Dame-de-la-Merci- Site de qualité supérieure pour la photo et le visuel. SQM occasionnel jusqu'à 21.70
Observatoire Alphonse-Tardif à St-NéréeObservatoire Aster- Aster, la station scientifique du Bas Saint-Laurent, est un observatoire publique
doublé d'un centre d'interprétation. En Saint-Louis-du-Ha!-Ha!
Observatoire BennettObservatoire HuntingdonObservatoire Iris- Une observatoire privé de Hugues Lacombe . Près de Baie-Saint-Paul.
Observatoire IsisObservatoire Laforge-1Observatoire Le Valhalla- Un observatoire à Sainte Justine de Newton.
Observatoire Les Trois Étangs - La PatrieObservatoire Magenta- Un observatoire privé. Près de Farnham.
Observatoire Maucar de La MotteObservatoire Monty-GuilmetteObservatoire North Point- Un observatoire privé près de Rawdon
Observatoire POLARISObservatoire PlourdeObservatoire Saint-RaymondObservatoire Saint-SixteObservatoire St Marc des Carrières- Observatoire Privé pre de St Marc des Carrières.
Observatoire St-gabriel LalemantObservatoire VandalObservatoire astronomique de CharlevoixObservatoire astronomique de ChâteauguayObservatoire astronomique du bois de Belle-RivièreObservatoire d'Astronomie Berrada- Un observatoire privé. Près de Val-des-Lacs
Observatoire de Daniel Brousseau de SherbrookeObservatoire de GatineauObservatoire de L'AvenirObservatoire de La SitelleObservatoire de La SérénitéObservatoire de Labelle Etoile- Une observatoire privé. Près de Labelle.
Observatoire de Lac Creux- Près de Chute-St-Philippe.
Observatoire de LeclercvilleObservatoire de MirabilisObservatoire de Saint-Camille- Un observatoire privé. Lien.
Observatoire de St-FelicienObservatoire de Ste-ChristineObservatoire de Val-Des-BoisObservatoire de Walter LaperleObservatoire de l'Agence Spatiale CanadienneObservatoire de l'Aigle- Observatoire privé de Guy Campeau, astronome amateur de la région.
Observatoire de la Découverte de Val-BélairObservatoire de la Montagne CoupéeObservatoire de la Pourvoirie St-Zénon- Observatoire astronomique public de la région de Lanaudière.
Observatoire du CEGEP de Lévis-Lauzon- Observatoire du CEGEP en Lévis.
Observatoire du Cap MartinObservatoire du Cégep de Trois-Rivières à ChamplainObservatoire du Geai BleuObservatoire du Lac Rouge- Observatoire à Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez.
Observatoire du Mont-CosmosObservatoire ÉbouliborgObservatoires de CantleyObservatoires du Mont Notre DameObservÉtoilesOptiques FullumOrion ObservatoryOtter LakeOtterburn ParkPandora Astronomical ObservatoryPapineau Regional County MunicipalityParc Canadian de la MauricieParc National d'AiguebelleParc National du Mont-OrfordParc de la FrayèreParc du Mont Ste-AnneParc national d'OkaPedro-ObservatoryPercePincourtPlanétarium Rio Tinto Alcan de MontréalPlouffe ObservatoryPointe Sainte-FoyPointe-au-ChênePont Rouge ObservatoryPontiacPort-Aux-Quilles Astronomical ObservatoryPort-CartierPortail Étoilé de Saint-PierrePortes de l'enfer- Situé au nord de l'Étape près du KM 144 de la route 175.
PrevostQuyonQuébecROC St-RomainRadar de Saint-Adolphe-d'HowardRang Saint-ArthurRang St-Joachim- Pres de St-Alexandre-D'Iberville.
RepentignyReserve Faunique La Verendrye- Centered on an airstrip in the reserve. Used by the
RigaudRimouskiRiviere-du-LoupRivière-à-Pierre VillageRobervalRosemereRouge MatawinRouyn-NorandaRue Lambert- Au bout de la rue Lambert. Près de Eastman.
Ruisseau d'orRéserve Fauniques des LaurentidesSAPM Rosette 3.5SAPM à HemmingfordSaguenay-Bagotville Airport (YBG)Saint-AgapitSaint-Basile-le-GrandSaint-CalixteSaint-Camille-de-Lellis- Près de la frontière américaine.
Saint-EustacheSaint-FelicienSaint-HuguesSaint-HyacintheSaint-JérômeSaint-LazareSaint-Lin-LaurentidesSaint-Michel-des-SaintsSaint-RemiSaint-SauveurSaint-Thomas-de-CaxtonSaint-ZénonSainte-Anne-des-MontsSainte-Anne-des-PlainesSainte-CatherineSainte-JulieSainte-ScholastiqueSainte-SophieSalaberry-de-ValleyfieldSalluit- Home of the Ulluriat Astronomy Club of Salluit.
Sept-ÎlesShawiniganSheldrakeSherbrookeSite d'observation Chemin Jordan- Un site d'observation privé.
Site d'observation de Charles DesjardinsSite d'observation de Lebel-sur-QuévillonSite d'observation de St-Félix d'OtisSommet du Mont TremblantSt-Jean-Sur-RichelieuSt-PlacideSt-Valérien-de-MiltonSt-Élie-de-CaxtonSte-Agathe-des-MontsSte-Anne-des-LacsSte-ThérèseStonehamSuttonTadoussacTamyMartOffgrid- A private observing site.
TerrebonneThetford MinesThursoTour d'observation Montagnes NoiresTracyTrois-PistolesTrois-RivièresUmiujaqUnivercielVal-d'OrVal-des-MontsVanierVarennesVaudreuil-DorionVictoriavilleVille-MarieW. Armitage Memorial Dark Sky SiteWakefieldWatch ObservatoryWhiskyjack ObservatoryZEC KisskissinkZEC des NymphesÉcole Gabriel-Le Courtoi- Une école à Sainte-Anne-des-Monts
SaskatchewanAssiniboiaBiggarBlue MountainCoronachCypress Hills Dark-Sky Preserve - West BlockCypress Hills Dark-Sky Preserve - SSSPDavin ObservatoryDirt Hills and Cactus HillsEstevanFort Qu'AppelleGrasslands National Park (West)- Centered on the north-west corner of the the western segement of the park.
Used by some members of the Saskatoon and Regina centres of the RASC.
Grasslands National Park East BlockHumboldtKatepwa LakeLa RongeLaonil LakeLucky LakeMaple CreekMelfortMelvilleMoose JawMoosominNorth BattlefordOutlookPensePrince AlbertReginaRobertson Observing Site- A private observing site.
RockglenRosetownRosthernSaskatchewan BeachSleaford ObservatorySwift CurrentTufts Bay CampgroundVal MarieWatrousWeyburnWilkinson Memorial ObservatoryYorktonYukonFaroHaines JunctionJohnsons CrossingKluane LakeMayoOld CrowTakhini Hot Springs- A resort used by some to view northern lights.
TeslinTimber Point:Watson LakeWhitehorse | Cayman Islands |
| Mexico |
Pino Colorado- Sitio de observación astronómica.
San Pedro Martir ObservatoryTijuanaValle de Guadalupe- Sitio de observación astronómica en Rancho Capuleto.
ChihuahuaSonoraObservatorio Bahía BacochibampoObservatorio Carl Sagan Cerro AzulObservatorio Carl Sagan en el Campus HermosilloObservatorio Ernesto Juarez DavisObservatorio Las PalmasPuerto Peñasco | USA |
Barnes Bend Acess Area- Park on the Tombigbee River. Near Eutaw.
Beech Lick Branch Observatory- Observatory of the Beech Lick Branch Observatory Foundation.
BirminghamBlazer ObservatoryCamp Perry- A private hunt camp in Marion
Chandler MountainConecuh National ForestCrawford ObservatoryCreek Skies Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around the town of Centre.
Cullman County Rd- A spot on Cullman County Road 15 near AL Hwy 91.
Dauphin IslandDeer Park- A city park in the the town also called Deer Park.
DothanEmerald Lane Observatory- Observatory code 843. Near Decatur.
EnterpriseGalunlati 2 ObservatoryGold Ridge observatory- A private observatory near Gold Ridge.
Hanceville- A town in Cullman county.
Hunt Observatory- A private observatory near Eldridge.
HuntsvilleIrondaleJames Wylie Shepherd ObservatoryLewis Smith Lake ObservatoryLittle River Canyon National PreserveLookout ObservatoryMaxwell Observatory- A private observatory near Scottsboro.
Millers FerryMobileMobile Regional AirportMontgomeryMt. Laurel Observatory- Observatory near Mt. Laurel water treatment plant.
Nightfall ObservatoryOak Mountain State ParkOhatchee's Observatory- A private observatory near Daphne.
Old Broadwell Mill Observatory- A private observatory near Jacksonville.
Phenix City- Very close to Columbus, Georgia.
Sand Island ObservatorySkyline ObservatorySolarity ObservatoryStargazer's Field ObservatoryStars Fell ObservatorySweetgum ObservatoryThe ShoalsTranquility Base Observatory- A private observatory near Pinson.
TroyTrussvilleTuscaloosaVestavia Hills Observatory- A private observatory on Shades Mountain in Vestavia Hills.
Von Braun ObservatoryWatson ObservatoryWhite House ObservatoryAlaskaBegich Boggs Visitor CenterBroad Pass MP201 Parking- A parkling area, with a view, at milepost 201 on Parks HWY. In Broad Pass.
Brooks Camp Developed AreaColdfootDenali National Park & Preserve -- HeadquartersEielson Visitor CenterEster Dome ObservatoryGirdwoodGlacier Bay Visitor CenterGlennallenHainesHatcher Pass Lodge- A lodge in the Talkeetna Mountains.
HomerIcefog ObservatoryJuneauK'esugi Ken CampgroundKenaiKetchikanKnik River Swimming HoleKnob LakesKodiakLalen Lake Observatory- A private observatory between Houston(AK) and Wasilla.
Merle K. (Mudhole) Smith AirportMt. BaldyNorth Pole- A town 16 miles southeast of Fairbanks. Not the geographic or magnetic pole.
Palmer- A town in the Matanuska Valley.
Point MacKenziePrudhoe BaySitkaStampedeTalkeetnaThree Forks Visitor's CenterVenetieArizonaA Shooting Star ObservatoryAbra ObservatoryAjoAlamo Lake State Park- State park
and site of the annual Night Under the Stars event.
Alpha Scorpii Observation SiteAlpine Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Alpine.
Ancient Light Observatory- A private observatory near Florence Arizona.
Anderson Mesa StationAnnbar CanyonAnthemApache-Sitgreaves Observatory- An observatory with educational outreach and public observing. Located in Overgaard, Arizona.
Arizona Sky Village- An astronomy village in Portal.
Arizona-Sonora Desert MuseumAstronomical AdventuresBeaver Creek Observing Site- A private observing site.
BensonBeta Scorpii Observation SiteBlack Canyon City Star PartyBlack Mesa Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Show Low.
Black Rock- Used as a star party site by the Southern Utah Astronomical Society. Note: this chart is on Utah Time (uses DST).
Blue Hills ObservatoryBouseBoyce Thompson ArboretumBruce Brockett TrailheadBullhead CityBurro Creek CampgroundCACCAS Remote Observing SiteCamp CreekCarefreeCassiopeia ObservatoryChandlerCherry RoadChiricahuaConcho Colts ObservatoryCongressCordes Lakes ObservatoryCottonwoodCuttin' Edge ObservatoryDMZ Observatories- Site of private observatories.
Date CreekDesert Beaver ObservatoryDesert Coyote ObservatoryDesert Oasis CampgroundDesert Pines ObservatoryDesert Sky ObservatoryDine Sky ObservatoryDouglasDr Sky Observatory- A private observatory in Chandler.
Estrella ObservatoryEureka Springs RanchFairborn ObservatoryFlying M ObservatoryFountain HillsGCC North ObservatoryGila BendGlenn Canyon's Wahweap districtGopherville Observatory- A private observatory near Sumerton.
Gov Aker ObservatoryGrand Canyon CavernsGrand Canyon Star Party (South Rim)Grand View Observatory- A private observatory near Ash Fork.
Grasslands ObservatoryGreen ValleyGreerGriffin RanchGuideStar ObservatoryHidden Loft ObservatoryHideaway ObservatoryHomolovi State ParkHualapai Mountain County ParkHualapai Valley ObservatoryHyman Rim Ranch ObservatoryJack Observing site- A private observing site somewhere around Happy Jack.
Jarnac Observatory- A private observatory near Vail.
Jim Loudon ObservatoryJohnson Ranch- Actually a suburb southeast of Mesa.
Kartchner Caverns State ParkKitt PeakLake Havasu City- Home of Beyer Observatory at Thunderbolt Middle School.
Lake PleasantLas CienegasLenomiya ObservatoryLittle Colorado River Valley ObservatoryLizard Hollow ObservatoryLogan Observatory- A private observatory. In Eagar.
Lost Silver ObservatoryMalpas Observatory West- A private observatory in Williams.
Maricopa Observatory- A private observatory in Maricopa.
MesaMingus Mountain SummitMisti Mountain ObservatoryMontezuma Pass OverlookMorristownMount DellenbaughMt. Lemmon ObservatoryNew RiverNothing Observing StationOracle State Park- State park designated as a International Dark Sky Park
Painted Desert InnPatina Gardens Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Apache Junction.
Payson- Between between Camp Verde and Show Low.
Peralta Skies Observatory- A private observatory in Gold Canyon.
PhoenixPicacho Peak State ParkPinetopPointed Rock ObservatoryPrescottQuail Creek- An observing site of the Quail Creek Astronomers. Near Green Valley.
Quail Run Observatory- A private observatory site near Casa Grande.
QuartzsiteQueen ValleyRISS ObservatoryRainbow Forest MuseumReach For The Stars NonprofitRio Verde Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Rio Verde.
Roadrunner ObservatorySTAR SchoolSabino Canyon ObservatorySaddle Mountain SiteSaddlebrookeSaguaro Cliffs Observatory Site- Future site of a private observatory.
Saguaro National Forest West Visitor Center Parking LotSalome Observing StationScottsdaleSedonaSentinelSentinel Rock Observing Station- A private observatory in Sentinel Rock Estates.
Sierra VistaSierrita Mountain ObservatorySirius ObservatorySonoita ObservatoriesSonoran Skies Observatory- A private research and guest observatory. MPC G94 Near Benson.
Sonoran Sky ObservatorySpace Photons ObservatorySpencer's ObservatoryStarPines ObservatoryStargazer ObservatoryStarry Zvezdachyot ObservatoryStarship #744 ObservatoryStoneman LakeSun City West- Forecast covers the north-west suburbs of Phoenix, including Surprise, Sun City, Peoria, and Glendale.
Sundance ObservatorySunglow RanchTIMPATacna Observing StationTemple BarTenagra ObservatoryTombstone ObservatoryTombstone Sky Observatory- A private visual-only dark-sky observatory. In the city of Tombstone.
Tuba CityUSNO Flagstaff Station- A U.S. Naval Observatory also known as NOFS. Near Flagstaff.
VERITASVekol RoadW Shaughnessy Rd- A spot at the end of W Shaughnessy road, in the neigborhood called Ahwatukee.
Wayaway ObservatoryWhy Observing StationWikieupWildflower Observatory- A private observatory near Goodyear.
Williamson Backyard Observatory- A non-profit observatory for basic research and public outreach.
Xanadu ObservatoryYoung's Observatory- A private obsrevatory near Florence Junction.
YumaArkansasArkansas Oklahoma Regional Star PartyArkansas Sky Observatory- A research and public outreach observatory near Conway.
Arkansas Tech University Astronomical ObservatoryAtwood Observing Site- A private observing site.
BatesvilleBella VistaBentonvilleBoston MountainCane Creek State ParkCascade Mountain ObservatoryCherry Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Cherry Hill Junction.
Cossatot Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Hartley.
Crystal MountainCypress Creek ParkEl DoradoEridanus ObservatoryFayetteville(AR)Fort SmithFrog Hollow Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Prescott.
Greers FerryHSV Stargazers Observation SiteHale Mountain ObservatoryHobbs State ParkHolly Mountain Airpark- A community with a private airport.df
JonesboroKia Kima Scout ReservationLake HamiltonLake Sylvia Recreation AreaLittle Eden Observatory- A private observatory near Oden.
Little Piney Observatory- A private observatory in Hagarville.
Little RockMagazine MountainMaumelle- A town in Pulaski county.
Morgan Point ObservatoryMountain HomePetit Jean State ParkPhillips Community CollegeRichland Creek Recreation AreaRiver Ridge ObservatoryRussellvilleSalem-Avilla Observatory- A privately owned observatory in Saline County, Arkansas.
ScrubGrass CampgroundsSearcyShadowlands Observatory- A private observatory near Charleston.
Siloam Springs- A site of the C.A.S.E.. Near Bella Vista, Rogers, Springdale, and Fayetteville.
The Dead Gekko Society Observatory- A private observatory near Eureka Springs.
Tyler Bend CampgroundVillage Creek State ParkWWIN ObservatoryCaliforniaAfton Canyon Campground- campground near Interstate 15 along the Mojave River between Barstow and Baker.
Ahwahnee Hills Observatory- A private observatory located in Ahwahnee.
AlpineAmboy Crater- Centered on the parking lot of Amboy Crater, a public nature site near the town of Amboy.
AnaheimAngelKillarney s City- AKA Angels Camp. A town in Calaveras county.
Angelus Oaks HeliportAngwinArea 52 Observatory- A private observatory near Ventura.
Arnold ObservatoryArroyo GrandeArthur Purcell ObservatoryArtis Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Yosemite Lakes.
Astro-chalet WestAtascaderoAuburnAutomata Internet ObservatoryBREIT IDEAS ObservatoryBakersfieldBanningBarking Spider Observatory- A private observatory near Castro Valley.
Baskin Engineering ObservatoryBateson ObservatoryBaum LakeBayt Observatory- A private observatory near Coarsegold.
Bear Valley- A town in Alpine county. Forecast also covers Tamarack and Lake Alpine.
Big Bear City- In the San Bernardino Mountains
Big Bear Solar ObservatoryBig Bird Observatory- A private observatory near Paradise.
Big Falls Campground- A campground near Forest Falls.
Big MeadowBig StumpBishop Observatory- A private observatory north of Bishop.
Black Mountain Observatory- A site of a future private observatory near Hornbrook.
Blackrock Ranger StationBlue CanyonBlue Ridge- The general area of Blue Ridge, in the Vaca Mountains.
BlytheBodieBonny Doon AirfieldBorrego SpringsBoulder Knolls Observatory- A private observatory, with Minor Planet Center code G74.
Bowen ObservatoryBrandy Creek Boat RampBrentwood- Forecast also covers Byran and Oakley.
Bridgeport Lake Private Observatory- A private observatory in Bridgeport Valley.
- A private observatory to promote the science and technology of CCD based astro-photography in light polluted areas.
Buckhorn Recreation AreaBuena Vista ObservatoryByrne ObservatoryCARMACBA Concord ObservatoryCSM ObservatoryCabrillo College ObservatoryCachuma Lake Recreation AreaCal Poly ObservatoryCalifornia CityCalifornia Institute of TechnologyCameron Park Rotary Club Community ObservatoryCamp Rock Road- 10 miles north east of Lucerne Valley.
Canebrake- 7 miles east of Onyx. In the Kern valley.
Carlos Lemmi Observatory- A private observatory near Rancho Palos Verdes. MPC G71.
CarmelCarrizo Plain National MonumentCaspers Wilderness ParkCastro ValleyCedar Glen ObservatoryCedarville- A site of the RECON project
Cerro Alto CampgroundChalk Bluff Staging AreaChamberlain Creek Rest StopChico Community ObservatoryChuchupate Ranger StationChula Vista ObservatoryCielos OscurosCimaClarks Pass- A a spot along highway 62.
Clear LakeCoarsegoldComa Via ObservatoryConcord Observatory- A private observatory in Concord.
Condon Peak CampgroundConway Summit- A dark site 12 miles north of Lee Vinning in Mono County.
Copper Mountain Observatory- Near the town of Joshua Tree which is near the north east corner of Joshua Tree National Park.
CoronaCottontail Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Walker.
CottonwoodCourtright ReservoirCow Canyon SaddleCoyote LakeCrestviewCuddeback LakeCuesta College - North County CampusCupertinoCuriosity Peak ObservatoryCypress Point ClubD.A.R.C. Observatory- A private observatory near Mercy Hot Springs.
DVHS Espace AcademyDaniel B. Milliken PlanetariumDarkSights ObservatoryDavenport BeachDavisDel MarDel ValleDesert Center- A spot on Hwy 177 North of Interstate 10. On the west side of Palen Pass.
Desert Hot Springs- A town in Riverside county and site of star parties at the Two Bunch Palms Resort & Spa.
Devil's Punchbowl TrailheadDiablo Valley CollegeDinosaur PointDon Pedro ReservoirDonnell VistaDowdy Ranch Visitor CenterDrakes Bay visitors center- A private observatory near Fillmore.
EAFBEagle LakeEagle Ridge Observatory- A private observatory near Newbury Park.
Eastman Lake Recreation AreaEl CajonEl Cariso- A peak in the Santa Ana mountains at the end of Upper Carisio Rd.
El CentroEl SegundoElk GroveErickson Observatory Site- Future site of Erickson Observatory (private). In Warner Springs.
Esparto- Site used by the Davis Astronomers.
EtnaEwell ObservatoryFar Away Observatory- A private observatory in Valley Center.
Feather River ObservatoryFickle Hill ObservatoryFiddletown- A site about 6 miles east of Fiddletown proper.
Figueroa LookoutFolsom Lake State Recration AreaFoothill ObservatoryForesthillForestvilleFossil FallsFountain ValleyFoxboro ParkFremont- The town in Alameda country.
Fremont PeakFresnoFullertonFurnace CreekGMDRCGalaxy Gazers Observatory- A private observatory near Julian.
Galbreath Wildlands PreserveGarvey Ranch ObservatoryGhost Pine Observatory- A private observatory in the Upper Capay Valley.
Glacier PointGolden State Star PartyGranada HillsGrandview Campground- A dark sky campground. In the White-Inyo Mountains in Big Pine.
Grasswood Observatory- A private observatory near Malibu.
Greeley Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Coulterville.
Green Acres ObservatoryGreenhawk ObservatoryGreenville- A site of the RECON project
GualalaHalf Moon BayHalloran SummitHanfordHawks Landing ObservatoryHeaven's PlateauHenry Coe State ParkHensley LakeHercules Stargazers Alternate SiteHidden Hill ObservatoryHidden Valley ObservatoryHigh Sierra Park- In the Stanislaus National Forest near Mi-Wuk Village.
Hole-in-the-Wall CampgroundHolmes Observatory- A private observatory near Lompico.
Homestake Dry CampHorsetail FallHume ObservatoryHuntington BeachHyampomIce House Observation PlateauIdyllwildIndependence Creek CampgroundJames Clerk Maxwell Observatory- A private observatory near Nevada City.
Johnson Valley- A town in San Bernardino county.
Jumbo Rocks- A campground in Joshua Tree National Park.
Keeton Observing SiteKennedy MeadowsKneeland School ObservatoryKnight Sight- A private site in Helendale
LAAS -- Boy Scout Camp RoadLJR ObservatoryLa Mesa- A town in San Diego county.
La Mesa Urban ObservatoryLaBelle ObservatoryLagoon ObservatoryLaguna BeachLaguna Niguel- Forecast also covers San Juan Capistrano.
Lake Elsinore- A private community in Aguanga.
Lake San AntonioLake Shastina- About 17 miles north of Mt. Shasta.
Lake SonomaLancasterLassen National Park- Two sites
used by TAC: Devastated Area and Bumpass Hell.
No, really. I'm not making this up.
Lava Beds National MonumentLawrence Hall of ScienceLee DaSilva Observatory- A private observatory near Madera.
LemooreLewiston Lake- A public parking area on Lewiston Lake.
Lightholder Optics ObservatoryLikely Place Golf & RV ResortLittle Grass Valley ReservoirLockwood ValleyLodiLong BeachLong Point, Glenn County- Public property (US Forest Service Mendocino National Forest).
Lookout RanchLos AngelesLost Valley Observatory- A private observatory between Yosemite and Kings Canyon in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Lucerne ValleyLuz ObservatoryMIRA Chews Ridge Observatory- Observatory of the Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy.
MIRA Weaver Student ObservatoryMahogany Flat CampgroundMais ObservatoryMammoth Observatory- A private observatory near Mammoth Lakes.
Maple's Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Salinas.
Marshall- A town in Marin county by Tomales Bay.
Martis Creek CampgroundMaury Lewin Astronomical Observatory- A private observatory in Glendora.
McGee CreekMeadow View ObservatoryMelinda Heights ObservatoryMendocinoMendota Wildlife AreaMenlo ParkMenlo School- A school with an astronomy club. In Atherton
MercedMesquite SpringsMission Trails Regional ParkMoabi Regional ParkModesto- Home of the of Stanislaus Amateur Astronomers of Modesto Jr. College.
Monitor PassMontebello- Montebello Open Space Preserve is a site used by TAC
Moreno ValleyMorgan HillMorrison PlanetariumMount DiabloMount HamiltonMount Laguna ObservatoryMount ShastaMount Tamalpais State ParkMountain ViewMt. SAC ObservatoryMt. Soledad National Veterans MemorialMurillo Family ObservatoryN.A. Richardson Astronomical ObservatoryNCC Robotic ObservatoryNapaNavajo FlatsNevada CityNewman Vista Point- A lookout on Interstate 5.
North Point ObservatoryNorthstar Ski ResortOCA Anza ObservatoryOCA Go-To GroupOCA SilveradoOak Canyon Park- A park in town of Oak Park.
Oak Glen PreserveOak Hills ObservatoryOaklandOccidental ObservatoryOceansideOjaiOld Town Pasadena- Centered Colorado Blvd, somewhere between Fair Oaks and Pasadena Ave, this charts marks the site of public observing held by the
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers.
Owl Canyon CampgroundPacheco State ParkPacificaPageant Avenue ObservatoryPalomar ObservatoryPanamint SpringsPanoche PassPapoose Flat- A public spot in the Inyo Mountains southeast of Big Pine.
ParadisePardee Reservoir Recreation AreaParkfield- A town in Monterey county.
Pauma Valley- Site of The Kathryn Hood Observatory.
Peddler HillPenn ValleyPenrynPescaderoPfeiffer Big Sur State ParkPhelanPine Flat ObservatoryPine Valley Creek trailheadPinhead ObservatoryPinnacles CampgroundPinon Hills- Near Wrightwood in the San Gabriel Mountains.
Pioneertown Mountains PreservePlettstonePoinsettia Observatory- A private observatory in Poway.
Point RichmondPortervillePortola- A site of the RECON project
Powerpoint LookoutPutah Creek Observatory- Future site of a private observatory in Pope Valley.
Quincy- A site of the RECON project
Ramona Observatory- A private observatory near Ramona.
Ranchita Canyon Observatory- A private observatory Monterey County.
Rancho Cañada del OroRancho Cordova- A private site of the Sacramento Valley Active Astronomers Research Group.
Rancho Del Sol ObservatoryRancho Mirage Library and ObservatoryRancho del Rio ObservatoryRed Rock Canyon State Park- A state park used by local clubs for star parties.
Redman ObservatoryRedondo BeachRedrock Inyokern RoadRedwood Mountain ViewReuben H. Fleet Science CenterRidgecrestRio VistaRobert Brownlee Observatory- Observatory in Sugar Loaf Ridge State Park near Kenwood.
Rock Hill Observatory- A private observatory in Grass Valley.
Rock Mountain Observatory- A private observatory near Fallbrook.
Rock Springs ObservatoryRolling Roof Observatory- A private observatory near Thousand Oaks.
Rosamond Skypark- A private residential skypark in Rosamond.
Rose Valley CampgroundRoss Creek Observatory- A private observatory in San Jose.
Royer Oaks ObservatoryRubicon ObservatoryRustic Valley ObservatorSPARQ ObservatorySacramentoSaddleback ButteSaddleback ObservatorySaint Mary's College ObservatorySalton Sea State Recreation AreaSan Bernardino County MuseumSan ClementeSan Clemente Island (North)- Chart covers the north half of San Clamente Island.
San DiegoSan FranciscoSan Francisco State University ObservatorySan MateoSan Onofre State BeachSan Pasqual Battlefield State Historic ParkSan RafaelSan RamonSandstone TrailheadSanta BarbaraSanta ClaritaSanta CruzSanta Margarita LakeSanta MariaSanta Monica Canyon ObservatorySanta Monica Mountains Observatory- A private observatory near Los Angeles.
Santa PaulaSanta RosaSanta Rosa MountainSanta Teresa Spring- Observatory in Santaluz Club.
SaratogaSawmill TrailheadSchreder Planetarium- A planetarium with public observing sessions. In Redding.
Scripps Ranch ObservatorySea Ranch- A private ranch near Gualala.
Selkovitch's ObservatoryShasta DamShaver LakeShelter Cove- A town in Humboldt county.
Shot Rock- A spot along the Carson Pass Highway.
Sierra Remote Observatories- A group of observatories in the Sierra Nevada
Mountains of California, dedicated to state-of-the-art robotic/remote imaging and
data acquisition.
Sierra Skies ObservatorySierra Stars Observatory- A private observatory near Paynesville.
Silverwood LakeSkiesAway Remote ObservatoriesSkyScapes Observatory- A private observatory in Borrego Springs.
SkyStar Observatory- A private observatory in San Diego Country Estates.
SonomaSonoma State University Observatory- observatory in Sonoma State University. Near Rohnert Park and Cotati
Sonrisa Observatory- A private observatory near Escondido.
Sorrento Mesa ObservatorySouth Fork Observatory- A private observatory near Three Rivers.
South Lake TahoeSpencers Crossing- A neighborhood in Winchester, CA
SpringvilleStanford Faculty ObservatoryStar Camp ObservatoryStarry Kingdom Observatory- A private observatory in Laytonville.
StocktonStony Ridge ObservatorySummit View Observatory- A private observatory in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Table Mountain ObservatoryTassi Observatory- A private observatory near Ramona.
Taylor ObservatoryTehachapi Mountain Observatory- A private observatory near Tehachapi.
Tehachapi Municipal AirportTelegraph CityTelescope RowTemeculaTeutonia PeakThe Bishop's RanchThe Sky's The Limit Observatory and Nature CenterThomas ObservatoryThousand PalmsTisdale Boat LaunchTopangaTorranceTrapshootTrilobite WildernessTrona Pinnacles- A BLM site in the north Mojave desert.
Tujunga Observatory- A private observatory in Tujunga.
Tularcitos ObservatoryTulelake- A site of the RECON project
Turlock- A town in Stanislaus county.
Twentynine Palms AirportTwo Goats ObservatoryUniversity of California San Diego- UCSD is actually located in La Jolla.
VacavilleVallejo Observatory- A private observatory site close to Vallejo.
Vandenberg VillageVasquez RocksVisaliaVistaVista HillVista TrailWYA Eastern Lassen SiteWalker Pass Campground- A a spot along Waltz road. Near Wheatland.
Washington Road Scenic Overlook- Public property (US Forest Service).
WeBeWebbiers Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Temecula.
Webb Schools ObservatoryWhiskeytown National Recreation AreaWhitewater PreserveWiltonWoodland HillsYamada Observatory- A private observatory in Wonder Valley, east of Fresno.
Yuba City Astronomical ObservatoryYucca ValleyColorado7500 Foot Desert ObservatoryAbraas Stargate Observatory- A private observatory in Canon City.
Antelope Creek Heliophysics Observatory- A private observatory in Colorado Springs.
Antelope Hills Observatory- A private observatory near Strasburg.
Arriola ObservatoryArvadaAspen Science CenterAvyatha ObservatoryBald Mountain ObservatoryBar-J RanchBear Dance Observatory- A private observatory near Larkspur.
BerthoudBerthoud Pass TrailheadBlack Canyon of the GunnisonBlack Mountain Observatory- A private observatory in Park County, CO.
Blackhawk RanchBoulderBoulder Heights ObservatoryBreckenridgeBrightonBroomfieldBull Domingo Astro- A private observatory site near Westcliffe.
Burk Astronomical ObservatoryBurland Observatory- A private observatory in Park county.
CSU-Pueblo ObservatoryCanyon Visitor CenterCastle RockCentennialChimney RockClimax Observatory- An abandoned solar observatory on the property of the the Climax Molybdenum mine. Near Leadville.
Cloudbait ObservatoryColorado National MonumentColorado SpringsColorado State Forest- A State Park. Chart is centered on the North Fork river valley.
Copper MountainCounty Road 2C- A spot along County road 2C, between County Road 109 and County Road 34. Approximately between Aroya and Punkin Center.
Cripple Creek KOADeep Sky Remote ObservatoryDeerlodge Park CampgroundDenverDick Clark Memorial ObservatoryDivideDurangoEagle Observatory- A private observatory near Eagle.
Echo ParkElk Creek Visitor's CenterElkhorn RanchElkhorn RanchEstes parkEvergreen- In the foothills southwest of Denver.
Flagler Reservoir SWAFort CollinsGardnerGates of LodoreGatewayGlacier Basin CampgroundGodin-Goff Memorial Observatory- A private observatory near Hotchkiss.
Golden- A town in Jefferson county.
Grand Mesa ObservatoryGreat Sand Dunes National Park and PreserveGreeleyGrouse GulchGunnison Valley ObservatoryHigh Plains Observatory- A private observatory in Firestone.
Horseappleacres Observatory- A private observatory on the Palmer Divide.
HugoIdlewild Observatory- A private observatory near Englewood.
Independence MountainIndian Tree Observatory- A private observatory in Elbert County.
Infinity's Edge Observatory - COJackson Lake State ParkKarval Reservoir SWAKenosha PassKeota Star PartyKings Valley ObservatoryLEO Scope- Observatory at the
GEODSS Test Bed site near Yoder, Colorado.
Lake CityLake Dillon Observatory- A private observatory near Dillon.
Lake Granby (North Shore)Las AnimasLas Brisas ObservatoryLazy J ObservatoryLeadvilleLemon Lake ReservoirLog Hill Mesa- Used by some members of the Black Canyon Astronomical Society. Near Ridgway.
LongmontLookout Mountain Observatory- Observatory of the Lookout Mountain Observatory Association. Near Del Norte.
Loveland PassMacPeak ObservatoryMatilda's observatoryMcCurdy Road- Nearly deserted double T'ed dirt road south of Rush
MeekerMesa Verde National Park- Centered on the park's headquarters.
Meyer-Womble ObservatoryMilagro Observatory- A private observatory northwest of Cortez.
Missouri Gulch ObservatoryMoondance- A private site about 10 miles from Kremmling
Moss Rock ObservatoryMount Fritz ObservatoryMount Massive Lakes ObservatoryMountain Sky ObservatoryNREL- Solar Radiation Research LaboratoryNavajo Peak- Centered on the 10000ft summit, this chart covers the general area of Navajo Peak (not a specific observing site).
Nederland ObservatoryNorth RaymerNorth Sterling State ParkOld Fort Lewis ObservatoryOrient Land TrustOwl HollowPagosa SpringsPaint Mines Interpretive Park- Centered on the parking lot of the county park. Near Calhan.
ParkerPaul Plishner Radio Astronomy and Science CenterPawnee Buttes Trailhead- Parking lot of a trailhead in Weld County, CO.
PeytonPicketwire Observatory- A private observatory nea The Spanish Peaks.
Picture CanyonPinon Ridge ObservatoryPinon Wood Ranch ObservatoryPool Observatory- A private observatory near Delta.
Poudre Canyon ObservatoryPueblo WestRamah State Wildlife AreaRed Feather LakesRidgway Nature & Science CenterRocky Mountain Sky Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Miliken.
Rocky Mountain Star StareRoxborough ParkSGPalisadeCO Observatory- A private observatory near Palisade.
San Isabel ObservatorySeclusion Ranch- A ranch near Delphi, open to other observers with permission of the owner.
SilvertonSinging Mountain ObservatorySky Mountain ObservatorySkyline Observatory- A private observatory near Steamboat Springs.
Slater Creek ObservatorySoapstone Prairie Natural AreaSolar Hills ObservatorySommers-Bausch ObservatorySouth Park ObservatorySpring Gulch- An observing site used by the Three Rivers Astronomy Club. About 9 miles from Carbondale.
- A private observatory on the Palmer Divide.
Star Kyst Observatory- A private observatory near Buena Vista.
Stargaizer Ridge ObservatoryStargate Colorado Observatory- a private observatory near Trinidad, CO.
Starlight Hills ObservatorySteamboat Lake State ParkSteamboat Springs- Home of the Yampa Valley Astronomy Club.
Stone BridgeThe Cherrywood Observatory- A private observatory in Longmont.
The Icebox- A private observing site near Fraser. Also covers Winter Park ski resort.
The Mad Professor's ObservatoryThe Rock Bottom ObservatoryTollgate Creek ParkTrubble Terrestrial Telescope- A private observatory on Coyote Rim Ranch west of Fort Collins.
University of Colorado Alpine ObservatoryUpper Beaver Meadows- A private observatory near Westcliffe.
Wardrop Ranch- A private observing site near Kiowa.
Warm Springs RanchWest Grand High SchoolWestminsterWhispering Pines ObservatoryWilkerson PassWindy Point Observation SiteWrayZaug's Observing Site - Sangre De Cristo RanchesConnecticutBowman ObservatoryBridgeportCanton- A town in Hartford county.
Changstars ObservatoryChesterColebrookConnecticut Star PartyDanbury- Home of the Student Astronomy Club at
Western Connecticut State University. Also covers Ridgefield, Brewster and Newtown.
DurhamEast HartfordGebbie Observatory- A private observatory in Granby.
Goodwin Conservation CenterGreenwich Observatory- A private observatory in Greenwich, CT.
HartfordHidden Lake ObservatoryJohn J. McCarthy ObservatoryLeslie C. Peltier Observatory- A private observatory near Thomaston.
Mattatuck Astronomical Society ObservatoryMonroeNew Haven- Forecast also covers Roger's Lake, Laysville, Old Saybrook, Westbrook, Ivorytown, Centerbook, Essex and
Rocky Neck State Park.
Olin ObservatoryPerras Observatory- A private observatory in Southington.
PropBusters Flying FieldRoxbury Airport- Actually a private hangar/airfield on a private farm. Used by local astronomers for public starparties.
Sights Above Private Observatory- A private observatory near Middletown.
Silver Sands State ParkSirius Astronomical Observatory- A private observatory in Glastonbury.
Southington Observatory- A private observatory in Southington.
Southwind ObservatoryStamfordStamford Observatory- Observatory of the Fairfield County Astronomical Society.
The Hotchkiss School- School and home of the Hotchkiss School Astronomy Club.
The Westport Observatory- A private observatory near Stony Creek.
UConn at Avery PointVan Vleck ObservatoryYoung's PondDCUSNOWashingtonDelawareDoverKillen's Pond State ParkMiltonMount Cuba Astronomical ObservatoryRehoboth BeachSnobie ObservatoryStarlight Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Glasgow.
Summit ObservatoryTrap Pond State ParkWilmingtonFloridaAlafia River State ParkAmbersweet Observatory- A private observatory near Umatilla
Area 63AstorAubright ObservatoryAvon Park Bombing Range- A private Observatory near New Smyrna Beach.
Beauclerc / San Jose(FL)- Forecast covers the neighborhoods of San Jose, Bay Meadows, Sunbeam and Beauclerc Gardens. In Duval county, Florida. South of Jacksonville.
Belen ObservatoryBelleviewBethune BeachBhills Observatory- A private observatory in Beverly Hills, Florida.
Bill Sadowski ParkBiolab Boat RampBiscayne Point Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Miami Beach.
Black Creek Observatory- A private observatory near Middleburg.
Blue Mountain Beach- A town in Walton county. Forecast also covers Seagrove Beach, Grayton Beach, Four Mile Village and Miramar Beach.
Bluefield RanchBoca Observatory- A private observatory in Eastpoint.
Boca RatonBrogdon ObservatoryBroken Oak Observatory- A private observatory near Spring Lake.
BrooksvilleCFAS Ocala Forest SiteCargeena 2 Astronomy- A private observing site.
Carrollwood- A neighborhood north of Tampa.
Caxambas Observatory- A private observatory on Marco Island.
Cedar KeyCentral Florida Youth & Family CampChiefland Astronomy VillageColeman LandingConner PreserveCooke Observatory- A private observatory near Weeki Wachee.
Coral Key Village ObservatoryCoral Lakes ObservatoryCrane Point Nature Center- Nature Center of the Florida Keys Land & Sea Trust. Site of 'Evening with the Stars' observing programs.
CrawfordvilleCrestviewD'Auria ObservatoryDarkstar ObservatoryDaytona BeachDe Soto National MemorialDeep Sky Observatory- A private observatory in Sebring.
DeepSkyshed Observatory- A private observatory near Port Richey.
Deer Creek RV Golf ResortDeltonaDry Tortugas National Park- A national park accessible only by boat. In the Gulf of Mexico, west of Key West.
Duette ParkEastern Florida State CollegeEllen Observatory- A private observatory near DeLand.
Emerald BeachEverglades Observatory- A private observatory in Okeechobee.
Fakahatchee Strand PreserveFall River Pkwy ObservatoryFinch ObservatoryFisheating Creek CampgroundsFlamingoFlorida Caverns State ParkFlying Cow Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Loxahatchee.
Fort Clinch State ParkFort LauderdaleFort MyersFort Myers BeachFort Pickens- Park and historic site. In Pensacola bay.
Fort Walton BeachFox ObservatoryFoxtrotter Observatory- A private observatory in Marion county.
Gainesville (FL)Galactic Stone Observatory- A private observatory near Lutz.
Geddy's Blue Room Observatory- A private observatory near Homosassa.
GradyLand Heaven Observatory- A private observatory near Melbourne.
Green Swamp Wildlife Management AreaGreenWay Lakes Observatory- A private observatory in Westchester.
Guana River DamHRH Observatory- A private observatory in Sarasota.
Hale Observatory- A private observatory in Avon Park City.
Halliday Parkwood ObservatoryHardee Lakes ParkHarmonyHarold A Campbell Public Use AreaHeaven Sent ObservatoryHigh Springs ObservatoryHighlands Hammock State ParkHolidayHoneymoon Island State ParkHudsonIndian Pass PenninsulaInfinity's Edge Observatory - FL- A private observatory somewhere around Melbourne.
Innerarity Island Observatory- A private observatory on Innerarity Island in Perdido Bay.
Ivan's Observatory- A private observatory in Coconut Creek.
JacksonvilleJigg's Landing ParkJoey's Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Orlando.
John's Observatory- A private observatory near Bradenton.
Joyce Observatory 2- A private observatory in Punta Gorda Isles.
JupiterKeaton BeachKendale ObservatoryKey WestKirby Storter Roadside ParkKissimmeeKissimmee Park ObservatoryKissimmee Prairie Preserve State ParkKrause's ObservatoryLAT26 RAO- A private radio astronomy and meteor observatory.
LaBelle Astronomical Observatory- A private observatory near LaBelle.
Lake Ahern ObservatoryLake BuffumLake CityLake Kissimmee State ParkLakelandLargoLazy 8 Ranch ObservatoryLemon Bay ParkLone Palm ObservatoryMIAMI-DADE ASTRONOMY INSTITUTE PROJECT- A private obseving site of the project.
Mahogany HammockMalhotra ObservatoryManatee Gun and Archery ClubMancave Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Myakka City.
MiamiMind's Eye ObservatoryMunson Observing SiteMyakka CityNEFAS Swamp Site- A site used by NEFAS and a few million mosquitos.
NFCC ObservatoryNaplesNewberry Star ParkNorth Smoke Tower SiteO'BrienOcalaOrlandoPace/MiltonPalm BayPalm Coast- A town in Flagler county.
Panacea- A private observing site a few miles from the town of Panacea.
Panama CityParishPensacolaPerryPhil's Observatory at SanctuaryPine Glades Natural AreaPineland Observatory- A private observatory on Pine island.
Pompano BeachPort St. LucieQuincy- A town in Gadsden county.
Rainbow Lakes Observatory- A private observatory in Marion County.
Rainbow Springs Observatory- A private observatory near Dunnellon.
Redding ObservatoryRiverwoods Field LaboratoryRobert Clyde Observatory- A private observatory in Sebring.
Robinson ObservatoryRobinson PreserveRolling Hills ObservatorySTARSaint PetersburgSanfordSarasotaScott's ObservatorySeagrape DriveSeminole State College Star RangeShell PointShired IslandSilver Bell ObservatorySt. Johns County Fairgrounds Overflow ParkingSt. Sebastian River Preserve State ParkStar Dogged Moon Observatory- A private observatory near Keystone Heights.
Starbrite Observatory- A private observatory in Davie.
Starry Nights RanchSummerland Key- Forecast covers area from Sugarloaf Key to Big Pine Key.
Sun City CenterSuwannee Skies ObservatoryTallahasseeTemple TerraceThe D'Auria's Ocala Star Observatory- A private observatory near Ocala.
The Stocker AstroScience CenterTitusvilleUF Campus Teaching ObservatoryUseppa Island Observatory- A private observatory near Bokeelia.
Vero Beach- A town in Indian River county.
Wagner Observatory- A private observatory near Bonita Springs.
Waid Observatory (Margate)Wells Observing Site- A private observing site 12 miles from Westville, FL.
West Delray Regional ParkWest Palm BeachWestonWhispering Pines ObservatoryWhite CityWindy Hill 5 Observatory- A private observatory near Palma Sola Bay.
Withlacoochee River ParkYalta ObservatoryGeorgiaAim High Observatory- A private observatory near Kathleen, GA.
Alapaha River ObservatoryAlbany- A town in Dougherty county.
AtlantaAugustaBatesville- A town in Habersham county.
Bee Sting Hill ObservatoryBig "A" ObservatoryBig Lazer Creek WMABishop ObservatoryBlack Mountain Observatory- A private observatory near Dahlonega.
BolingbrokeBourne ObservatoryBradley ObservatoryBrasstown BaldBrunswickCCK's Universe- A private observing site near Jeffersonville.
CantonCearley / Sirockman ObservatoryCharlie Elliott WLCChattahoochee River National Recreation Area- A National Recreation Area north east of Atlanta.
Country View Observatory- A private observatory near Gray.
Cox FieldCulver's Urban ObservatoryD. S. Millas Observatory- A private observatory near Cumming.
DaculaDallas(GA)- A town in Paulding county.
DaltonDeer Run ObservatoryDoogan's MountainDreamstead ObservatoryDry Creek Observatory- A private observatory near Adairsville.
DunwoodyEastmanEbo LandingElachee Nature Science CenterElko Observing siteEmory University ObservatoryEvermore Farms- Site of future observatory and astronomy park.
Ex Nihilo Observatory- E.N.O. is a private observatory.
Fernbank ObservatoryFire Panther Observatory- Site of future robotic observatory.
Ford Lake Observatory- A private observatory near Fayetteville.
Fort Mountain Scenic OverlookFulton Science Academy ObservatoryGarland Mountain TrailheadGeorgia Southern PlanetariumHampton Mountain- A few miles from Cumming.
Hard Labor Creek ObservatoryHerron Observing Field- A private observing site near Hickory Flat.
Hines Observatory- A private observatory (IAU/MPC H71) near Chula.
J. Stephen Schmidt Observatory- A private observatory near Ball Ground.
Jefferson Observatory- A private observatory in Jefferson.
Joe Kurz Wildlife Management AreaKingslandLake Lanier Observatory- A private observatory west of Lake Sydney Lanier.
Lee Farm ObservatoryLouisvilleLuckie's ObservatoryME ObservatoryMaconMariettaMartinezMcElroy Mountain- Covers the region around McElroy Mountain, including Grandview, Marblehill, Holcomb and Emma.
MilledgevilleMookie Mountain Observatory- A private observatory near Morganton.
Morgan County High SchoolMountville Observatory- A private observatory near Mountville.
North Georgia Astronomical ObservatoryNorth Lake Sinclair- Forecast covers the north-west part of Lake Sinclair, including the towns of Eatonton, Dennis and Meriweather.
Oconee Observing FieldOwens Observatory- A private observatory in Alpharetta.
PS-191 ObservatoryPastimes Cabins, RV Park & CampgroundPleasant Grove Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Royston.
Puckett ObservatoryRabbitEye Observatory- A private observatory near Ludowici.
Red Barn ObservatoryRobert W. Woodruff Scout ReservationRogers' Astrophysics Observatory- On the Georgia shore of Hartwell Lake.
SavannahSkyfall Observatory- A private observatory near Pinehurst.
Stephen C. Foster State ParkSwan Lake Observatory- A private observatory near Stockbridge.
T. Spence Memorial Observatory- A private observatory near Midville.
Tellus ObservatoryThe Clear Nights ObservatoryThe Dutch ObservatoryThe New Freedom Observatory- A private observatory in Perry. Observations at site indicate the lightpollution rating has degraded to a solid Bortle 6 if not a low end Bortle 7.
ThomastonTowns County Park- AKA Towns County Recreation Center. park in Hiawassee.
Twin Lakes Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Cumming.
University of Georgia ObservatoryValdosta- A town in Lowndes county.
Walker County ObservatoryWalter F. Barber, Jr. Memorial ObservatoryWaycrossWes Observatory- A private observatory near Vidalia.
White Lake Observatory- A private observatory near Acworth.
Yamabushi Observatory- A private observatory near Commerce.
Yoder Observing Site- A private observing site near Montezuma, GA.
Young Road Observatory- A private observatory near Rayle.
IdahoBanksBlue DomeBrown Observing Site- A private observing site near Kuna.
Bruneau Dunes ObservatoryBurkman Observatory- A private observatory near Blackfoot.
Burley/HeyburnCambridgeCascadeCentennial ObservatoryChallis Astronomical ObservatoryCity of Rocks National ReserveCoeur d'AleneCraters Of The Moon National MonumentDedication PointDeer Ridge LookoutDriggsEagleEagle Rock ObservatoryFairfieldGoat Shed ObservatoryGrandjeanHeaven's GateIdaho CityIdaho FallsKetchumLava Springs Star PartyLewistonLolo Pass Visitor CenterMarsingMcCallMiddletonNicholiaNorth Fork CampgroundNorthstar Observatory- A private observatory near Post Falls.
Oregon Trail OverlookPayettePhillips ObservatoryPocatello- A town in Bannock county.
RathdrumRed Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Minidoka.
Red Rock RV ParkRexburgRexburg Nature ParkReynold's CreekRimrock ObservatoryRoyal Gorge Resort- An rv park, campground and resort on the Salmon river.
SRAF- Stellar Radiation Acquisition Facility is a private observatory in Emmett, ID.
SalmonSandpointSmithsferry ObservatorySpirit Lake- A town, and a lake, in Kootenai county.
StanleyTripod ReservoirTwentymile Rock- A parking lot of a scenic lookout, located along highway 20, used as a dark sky site by Cub Scout Pack 313 from Idaho Falls.
Twin FallsUcon- A town in Bonneville County.
Weilmunster ParkWeiser Memorial ParkIllinoisAero ObservatoryAlbionAlmaApple RiverAstro-PhysicsBarrington HillsBig Cigar AstronomyBirmingham Astronomical Observatory- A private observatory in Thompsonville. MPC designation H53.
Blackhawk ObservatoryBloomingtonBojarzin ObservatoryBradleyBraidwood Dark Sky SiteCaledoniaCarbondaleCarlyle LakeChamberlain ObservatoryChampaign/Urbana Astronomical Society Observatory- An observatory of the CUAS.
CharlestonChathamChicagoClaustonberry ObservatoryCricket HillCrystal LakeDanville- A town in Vermilion county.
De KalbDearborn ObservatoryDecatur Area Astronomy ClubDecatur(IL)Dolan LakeDoug Firebaugh ObservatoryEdwardsville ObservatoryEffingham- A town in Effingham county.
GalenaGarden of he Gods Recreation Area- A not-for-profit camp with youth astronomy programs.
GlencoeGrayvilleGreen River State Wildlife AreaHarrisburgHarvey ObservatoryHeavens Gate Farm ObservatoryHennepin Canal Parkway State ParkHickory Knolls Discovery CenterJ. Weiskopf ObservatoryKirklandKnox College ObservatoryLake Katherine Nature CenterLake ThunderbirdLake ZurichLanphier Observatory- A private observatory near the town of Lilly Lake.
LincolnshireLockportLombard- Forecast also covers Glendale Hieghts, Elmhurst, Villa Park, Addison, and Glen Ellyn.
Lone Wolf Observatory- A private observatory near Varna.
MacombMantese's FarmMarengoMarionMassbach RidgeMiddle Fork River Forest PreserveMoraine Valley Community College ObservatoryMorton Grove- Forcast also covers Glenview, Wilmette, Evanston, Skokie, Park Ridge, Niles, and Des Plaines.
Mount Jennings Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Manteno.
Mount Vernon- A private observatory near Hamel.
Northwest Suburban Astronomers- The NSA is active in the area of Palatine/Hoffman Estates.
OneDarkSky.com Observation Site #1Our Prairie SkyPACMOPICOPaxtonPeck Farm ParkPeoriaPeotonePrairie Skies Star PartyPrairie State CollegePrincipia College Astronomical ObservatoryRockfordSWAOG Dark SiteSWAOG Light SiteSerena- A town in La Salle county.
Shiloh Station RoadSite "M"Smith Observing Site- Near Round Lake Beach and about 15 miles west of Waukegan.
Stardust ObservatoryStarved Rock State ParkSterlingStreatorSullivan Observatory- A private observatory in Sullivan.
Sunny Knoll ObservatoryTASS H (Droege) Observatory- An observatory of the Amateur Sky Survey project. Near Batavia.
Taylor Dark Sky SiteThe Decker-Grebner-Van Zandt ObservatoryThe Little Red School HouseThe Lone Wolf Observatory- A private observatory near Oak Lawn
The Stellar Shed- A private observatory near Aledo.
Tinley ParkU-46 PlanetariumVelveeta Valley Observatory- Aka VVO, a private observatory in Pecatonica.
Viking Observatory- A private observatory Near Galesburg.
Walnut Point State ParkWashington County State Recreational AreaWeinberg-King State ParkWest UnionWhite Eagle Observatory- A private observatory near Naperville.
WinchesterWolf Creek State ParkWoodstockIndianaAnderson University ObservatoryAstro AcresAuburnBerneBill's Doghouse Observatory- A private observatory in Knightstown.
Birch Rd. ObservatoryBloomfieldBloomingtonBlue Creek Observing Site- A private observing site somewhere around Sunman.
Borman ObservatoryBremenBuckeyestargazer Observatory- A private observatory near Valparaiso.
Bushels and Baskets ObservatoryCamp Crosley/WAS ObservatoryCarmelCenter Valley Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Clayton.
Chain O' Lakes State ParkColumbusCorydon Ridge ObservatoryCoyote Howl ObservatoryDamer Observing Site- A private observing site.
EvansvilleFort WayneFranklin- A town in Johnson country.
Goshen CollegeGreencastleHale Hill ObservatoryHanover CollegeHuntingtonIU Kokomo ObservatoryIndian Lakes RV CampgroundIndiana Dunes State ParkJasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife AreaLAS ObservatoryLemon Lake County ParkLogansportMarionMaumeeMcCloud Nature ParkMichigan City- A town in La Porte county.
MorgantownMorris ObservatoryMorrow ObservatoryMuncieNew CarlisleOakley ObservatoryPHM PlanetariumPatoka Lake Observing SitesPorter West PreservePotawatomi Wildlife ParkPrairie Grass ObservatoryPurdue UniversityRed n Blue ObservatoryRichmondSIX A RANCH OBSERVATORYShades State ParkShelbyvilleShipshewanaSkunk Ridge Observatory- A private observatory near Vevay. Note this chart uses DST.
Spenco Observatory- A private observatory near Mt Vernon.
Starlight Observatory- A private observatory near the town of Starlight.
Taylor University ObservatoryTerre HauteTeter Retreat and Organic FarmThe Star Deck ObservatoryThomas Conway ObservatoryThree Guys ObservatoryTippecanoe River State Park- State Park. Chart is centered on a field, used for observing, near the nature center.
VU ObservatoryVincennesWahnsiedler ObservatoryWestportWillow Slough Fish and Wildlife AreaIowaAntique Airfield-IA27Ashton ObservatoryBarnes CityBearbower Sand Prairie AreaCedar FallsDark Sky Observatory- A private observatory near Alden.
Dean Memorial ObservatoryDecorahDenisonDixon- Close to Menke and Jens-Wendt Observatories
Dordt College ObservatoryDubuqueErwin W. Fick ObservatoryGipe FarmGraceland University ObservatoryGrand River- A town in Decatur county.
Grant O. Gale ObservatoryGrundmeier Farm- A private observing site.
Grundy CenterHilltop Homeschool ObservatoryHodges and North Wildlife Area- Near Jesup. Used by members of the Black Hawk Astronomy Club, affiliated with the Grout Museum in Waterloo Iowa.
Iowa CityIowa SkyNet ObservatoryJohn H. Witte ObservatoryLake SundownManning- A town in Carroll County.
Mason CityMoore-Gosch Memorial ParkMuscatineRiversideRutenbeck ObservatorySioux CityStrohbehn Observatory- A private observatory in Webster City.
Timber City Productions Lookout- A private observing site.
Timberline ObservatoryTreynorW/P ObservatoryWartburg College ObservatoryWeverWhiterock ResortWilliamsburgKansasArnoldAtchisonBanner Creek ObservatoryButler State Fishing Lake and Wildlife AreaCedar Bluff State ParkCimarron National GrasslandsCoffee Creek Observatory- A private observatory in Olathe.
CoffeyvilleCollyerConcordiaCouncil Grove LakeDead Rising Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Derby.
Derby- A city in Sedgwick County, KS.
Eisenhower State Park(KS)EmporiaEverStaR ObservatoryFall River State ParkFarpoint ObservatoryFort Hays State UniversityGarden CityGardnerGreat BendHillsboroHillsdale LakeHutchinsonIntrusted Observatory- A private observatory near El Dorado(KS).
KS Oil Patch Observatory- A private observatory near Spivey.
Kansas CityKansas State UniversityKingman County State Game Management Area- This chart is centered on high ground near the Kingman County SGMA. Near Penalosa.
Lake Afton Public ObservatoryLand of Oz ObservatoryLarry's Backyard Observing Site- A private observing site.
LawrenceLeach Observatory- A private observatory near Lucas.
Mabee ObservatoryMarienthalMark's Observing Site- A private observing site.
McPhersonNortonOsservatorio AucelloOttawa (KS)PSU-Greenbush Astrophysical ObservatoryPowell ObservatoryRandolph State ParkRiverdaleRobinson Lunar ObservatorySETEC ObservatorySalinaSandlot ObservatoryScopehill ObservatorySeneca City ParkSewardSisk ObservatorySpiral Gateway Observatory- A private observatory in northern Coffey County.
Tallgrass Prairie National PreserveTecumsehTetervilleTopekaToronto(KS)- Also covers the area of Toronto Lake and the Cross Timbers State Park.
(Formerly Toronto State Park.
Twin PondWebster State ParkWichitaWindy Hills ObservatoryWoodson State Fishing Lake and Wildlife AreaYorkKentuckyAASO/Ridgemont ObservatoryAIG public observatoryAdams Observing Site- A private observing site.
Astraeus ObservatoryBear ObservatoryBell ObservatoryBereaBlackhole Observatory- A private observatory in Mason.
Brodhead- Forecast also covers crab orchard and Mount Vernon.
CAS Starfield Observatory Dark SiteCamp Crooked CreekCarterCedar Knoll ObservatoryDarklight ObservatoryEKU ObservatoryEast Kentucky Science CenterEngland/Idlewild Park- A private observatory near Carlisle.
Flying Horse Ranch- A private site near Russelville.
FrankfortFreeman Lake Observatory- A private observatory near Elizabethtown.
Golden Pond ObservatoryGoochtownGoodnight RidgeGrayson Lake State ParkGrubbs Road ObservatoryHalfmoon ObservatoryHazardHebronHopkinsvilleLexington Trails- A private observing site near Dry Ridge. Forecast also covers Williamstown and Crittenden.,
Lincoln Ridge Park- Park in Kenton county.
Formerly known as Banklick Woods Park. Site of Star Gazes (public star parties) with the Midwestern Astronomers.
LouisvilleMammoth Cave National ParkMill SpringsMillersburgMoore ObservatoryMorehead State UniversityMount Chestnut Oak Observing Site- A private observing site somewhere around Goodwater.
Murry State UniversityOtter Creek ObservatoryPaxton Park- Park and golf course in Paducah.
Pennyrile Forest Observing FieldPine Mountain State Resort ParkRaven Run Nature ConservancyReidland- A town in McCracken county.
Renaissance Observatory- A private observatory near Owensboro.
Rue de Renard Observatory- A private observatory near Greenvile.
Sigoglin Hills Observatory- A private observatory near Paris, KY.
- A private observing site in Prestonsburg.
Trigg County Schools- High School and elementary school in Cadiz.
Tunnel Ridge RoadWhite Mills Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around White Mills.
Wild Duck Observatory- A private observatory near Shelbyville.
LouisianaBaton RougeCatahoula LakeDeRidderDeep South Regional Star Gaze- A a star party held at Feliciana Retreat Center, near Norwood.
Distant Thunder Observatory- A private observatory in Mandeville.
Dunceath Observatory- A private observatory near Jackson, LA
FranklintonGifNet.US ObservatoryGretna City Park ObservatoryHammond- Forecast also covers Ponchatoula.
Highland Road Park Observatory- A remote control observatory with public events. Near Baton Rouge.
HoumaJeaneretteKisatchie Star PartyLafayetteLake CharlesLandolt Astronomical ObservatoryLouisiana Tech University ObservatoryLuling Skies ObservatoryMindenMonroeNew OrleansRayville Observatory- A private observatory near Rayville.
Seti DS ObservatoryShreveportShreveport ObservatorySlidellSt George ObservatoryTurtle Beach ObservatoryWaning Moon II ObservatoryMaineBlueberry Pond ObservatoryBrooklin ObservatoryBucksportBurkes Observatory- A private observatory in Pittsfield.
Burnt Jacket Mountain ObservatoryCOG Observing SiteCadillac Mountain SummitCalaisCamdenCape JellisonCaribouCollins ObservatoryCrow's Nest ObservatoryDamariscotta River AssociationDover-FoxcroftEastportEustis Ridge Observatory- A private observatory near Eustis.
Flanders Pond ObservatoryGalaxy Quest ObservatoryGetchell MountainGorham ObservatoryGreeneHalfmoon Stream Observatory- A private observatory near Knox.
Harding Hill ObservatoryHoultonJonesportKatahdin Loop Road OverlookL'Observatoire des Lacs- A private observatory near Belgrade Lakes.
Lamoine ObservatoryMachiasMancamp ObservatoryMaynard F. Jordan ObservatoryMedawisla LodgeMedomak Family CampMillinocketMoose PondMooselook Observatory- A private obsrevatory somewhere around Lake Mooselookmeguntic.
Nealey's CornerObservation Tower at The Beech- An observation tower at an AirBnB called The Beech.
Portland(ME)- A private observatory near Trenton.
Presque Isle- A private observatory near Blue Hill.
Sandbank Stream CampgroundSawyer ObservatorySeawall CampgroundSouth CushingSouthern Maine Astronomers ObservatoryStarburst Meadows Observatory- A private observatory in Brunswick.
Telescope ParkThe Brower ObservatoryTwin Dogs Observatory- Site of future private observatory. Near Saint Froid Lake.
West Carry Pond- An observing site near Flagstaff Lake.
West Sky Observatory- A private observatory in West Paris.
Wetzel ObservatoryMarylandALPHA ObservatoryAshton Observatory at Johnson FarmsBaltimoreBear Branch Nature CenterBeaver Creek ObservatoryBlackwater National Wildlife RefugeBluebird Observatory- A private observatory owned by Jerry Persall and open to visitors by appointment.
BowieBroad CreekBunny Foo-Foo Observatory- A private observatory in Fort Washington.
C&O Canal National Historical ParkCatoctin Mountain Park- Park, east of Hagerstown.
Chesapeake Beach Veterans Memorial Park- City park in Chesapeake Beach.
Deep Creek Lake State ParkDigital Monastery Observatory- A private observatory near Frederick.
Dulaney Springs ParkEcho Hill Outdoor SchoolElk ForestElliott Island road- Centered on the parking lot of a boat launch on Elliot Island road.
Fishing Battery IslandFort Washington ParkFrostburgGolden Mean ObservatoryGreenbrier State ParkHarford Community College ObservatoryLadiesburg- A town in Frederick County.
Little Bennett Regional ParkLittle Levels CampgroundMarstown ObservatoryMartin State AirportMiddletownMontgomery County Astrophysical Observatory- Aka MCAO, a private observatory, near Derwood.
Mount Airy ObservatoryMount PleasantOcean CityPoint Lookout State Park- State park where Chesapeak Bay and the Potomac join.
Potomac Astrometric ObservatoryPrettyboy ReservoirQuiet Pond ObservatoryReisterstownRich Neck ObservatoryRocky Gap State ParkSalisburyTBM ObservatoryTall Timbers- A town in St. Mary's county.
The Hughesville Sky-view Observatory- A private observatory near Waldorf.
Tuckahoe State ParkUMBC ObservatoryUnited States Naval AcademyUniversity of Maryland ObservatoryWalgrove ObservatoryWillow Oak Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Gamber.
Massachusetts- A star party for youngsters in Acton and Boxborough.
AmherstAndoverAnna Maria CollegeArunah HillAstroGeek's ObservatoryAstronight ObservatoryAyer ObservatoryBerkshire School ObservatoryBlack Star ObservatoryBlackstar II ObservatoryBorderline ObservatoryBristol Community College ObservatoryCahall ObservatoryCape Cod Imaging StationCarpenter MuseumCat's Paw Observatory- A private observatory near Seekonk.
CedarvilleChelmsford High SchoolClay Center ObservatoryDaltonSkyGazer ObservatoryDarkSkies Observatory- A private observatory in Gardner, MA
Deepsky Observatory- A private observatory in West Waltham.
Deerfield Academy PlanetariumDriftway Observatory- A private observatory near Westport.
Edmonds ObservatoryEdwelda Observatory- A private observatory near Woburn.
Far Reach ObservatoryGloucesterGooseberry IslandHopkins ObservatoryHowe Observatory- A private observatory near New Braintree.
Humarock Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Humarock.
Lake Sky Observatory- A private observatory near Lake Chaubunagungamaug.
LeominsterLynch ParkMany Worlds Cross ObservatoryMartha's VineyardMiddlesex School ObservatoryMilfordMoose Hill Wildlife SanctuaryMyles Standish State ForestNantucket Island- Home of the Loines Observatory and Vestal Street observatory of the
Maria Mitchell Association. Forecast covers the whole of Nantucket Island.
New England Sci-Tech Astronomy- A private observatory in Ashburnham.
North Falmouth- Forecast also covers the towns of Pocasset and West Falmouth.
NorthamptonNorthfield Mountain Environmental CenterNorwellOak Ridge ObservatoryPetershamPlum IslandRAC Summer Star PartyRichard Schueller ObservatoryRockbottom ObservatorySpringfield- A town in Hampden county.
Starhoo ObservatoryThe BD Software Observatory- A private observatory in North Reading, MA.
The Crystal Spring- A private observing site somewhere around Mattapoisett.
The Rose Dorothea Observatory- A private observatory near Provincetown.
UFOWorks ObservatoryVSOR ObservatoryVeasey Memorial ParkWheaton College ObservatoryWhitin ObservatoryWilder Skies Observatory- A private observatory near Bolton.
Williston ObservatoryWorcesterMichiganAl Meyers AirportAllen ObservatoryAllendaleAnn ArborApple Ridge Observatory- A private observatory in Le Roy township.
Applewood Absurditory- A private observatory, at least in spirit, near Ypsilanti.
Astro HutBass LakeBattle Creek- A town in Calhoun county.
Beaver Island- A private observatory near Deford.
Beman ObservatoryBenton Harbor- A atown in Berrien county.
Berry LakeBig Bay PointBig RapidsBig Sable PointBlack River Observatory- A private observatory near Port Huron.
Blazny ObservatoryBlue Moon Observatory- A private observatory near Mussey.
Bois Blanc Island Observatory- A private observatory on Bois Blanc Island.
BoonHill ObservatoryBoyne FallsBridgmanBrooks Astronomical ObservatoryCamp McGregor ObservatoryCanadian LakesCathead BayCedar Springs ObservatoryCheboyganCohoctah Nightcrawler ObservatoryCopper Harbor- webcam overlooking the harbor.
Cranbrook Institute of ScienceDelaware ParkDelta College PlanetariumDetroitDobie North Observing Field- A private observing site.
Dobie Observatory- A private observatory near Jackson.
Dr. T. K. Lawless ParkDreamy Skies Observatory- A private observatory in Mio.
Drummond Island AirportDunham Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Mulliken.
Engle Ridge Observatory- A private observatory near Yuba.
EscanabaEyeScope Star ShackFAAC Observing SiteFentonFlushing Observatory- A private observatory in Flushing.
ForestGate Farm Observatory- A private observatory. Near Iron River.
Four Winds ObservatoryFox Park Public ObservatoryFrog Island Observatory- A private observatory near Escanaba.
GM Milford Proving Ground Softball FieldsGrand HavenGrand RapidsGreenvilleHahnenberg Observatory- A private observatory near Lake Leelanau.
Hammond Bay ObservatoryHarrisonHawk's Hollow Observatory- A private obsrevatory in Jenison.
Headlands International Dark Sky Park- An Emmet County park with an international dark sky designation from the IDA with public and reservable observing sessions.
Heavens View Observatory- A private observatory near Ortonville.
Hector J. Robinson ObservatoryHelmer ObservatoryHemlock Crossings ParkHiggins LakeHogsback ObservatoryHoughtonHoughton Lake Observatory Site- Site of future private observatory. Near Houghton Lake.
Insel HausIron Mountain- Forecast also covers the towns of Kingsford, Breitung and Norway.
Irvington Observatory- A private observatory in Howell.
Island Lake State Recreation AreaJ.S.M. Blue Lake Township ObservatoryJacksonJames C. Veen ObservatoryJoseph H. Rogers ObservatoryKalamazooKenockee ObservatoryKingman ObservatoryKresge Environmental Education CenterLake Erie Metropark- A Detroit Metro Park on the Lake Erie shore line south of Detroit.
Check with the park before planning observing.
Lake Hudson State Recreational AreaLake St. Clair Metropark ObservatoryLamoria Springs Observatory- A private observatory in Sandusky.
Lanphier Observatory- Observatory of
The Leelanau School. Check website or call call 231.334.5890 for public observing times.
LansingLawshe Memorial Observatory- A private observatory near Bayview. Also covers Harbor Springs and Petroskey.
Little Point SableLivoniaLongway PlanetariumLookum ObservatoryMaple Ridge ObservatoryMarquette- Home of the Marquette Astronomical Society.
McKim Alpena County Observation Site- A private observing site somewhere around Alpena.
McMath-Hulbert ObservatoryMonroeMoran- About 14 miles north-west of the Mackinac Bridge and St. Ignace.
Muskegon- A town in Muskegon county.
Muskegon Astronomical SocietyMy-Spot Observatory- A private observatory near West Bloomfield.
Neuenschwander ObservatoryNew HavenNorth Wind ObservatoryNorthern Cross ObservatoryNorthhills Observatory- A private observatory near Thompsonville.
Novi Community Sports ParkOak Beach ObservatoryOnekama-DS-Observatory- A private observatory near Onekama.
Ore Lake Observatory- A private observatory near Ore Lake.
Oronoko ObservatoryOscodaOutdoor Adventures Saginaw Bay ResortPlatte River CampgroundPlymouth Digital Observatory- A private observatory in Plymouth.
Port Crescent State ParkPortage (MI)Raven Hill Discovery CenterRedShift ObservatoryRevall's Coyote Creek ObservatoryRiver Valley RV ParkRochester HillsRockfordRoscommonSaginawSault Ste MarieSeven PondsSeven Sisters Observatory- A private observatory near Manchester.
Sirius Observatory- A private observatory near Almont.
South Haven PierSt. Clair ShoresStar Hoppers Observatory- An observatory of Star Hoppers amateur astronomy group. Near Holly.
Stargate ObservatoryStellamar ObservatoryStephen F. Wessling ObservatoryStrawberry Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Taffeltown.
Sturgeon Point State Park- State park on the shore of Lake Michigan near Harrisville.
Sunset Astronomical Society- A society with members from Midland, Saginaw and Bay City (Tri-cities area).
Sycamore Stars Observatory- A privately owned observatory dedicated to public remote use. Near Otsego.
TawasTraverse CityTroy Space GazeboUM-Dearborn ObservatoryVassarVisual Reconstructions Observatory- A private observatory in Sterling Heights.
Vivekananda Monastery- A private observatory near Lovells.
Warren Dunes State ParkWashington(MI)Yarger ObservatoryYoung's Astronomy Club and ObservatoryYpsilantiMinnesotaAlexandriaAnoka-Ramsey Community College (Cambridge)Arrakis ObservatoryAtwaterBemidji State UniversityBig Bend City(MN)- A small town in Chippewa County.
Birdland Observatory- A private observatory near Rochester.
Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness- A site on the shore of Saganaga Lake, in the BWCAW
BrainerdBurnsvilleCRUST ObservatoryChanhassenCherry GroveCold Spring- Forecast also covers Richmond and Rockville.
Concordia College ObservatoryDarwinDeJoVu Observatory- A private bbservatory on Daisy Bay of Lake Vermilion.
Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning CenterEast-View Observatory- A privae observatory near Duluth.
Echo- A town in Yellow Medicine county.
Eisenhower ObservatoryFairmontFergus FallsG49 Observatory- A private observatory. Listed in the MPC as G49 Minnetonka
Glacial Lakes State ParkGoodsell ObservatoryGrand RapidsHayes Lake State ParkHiginbotham State Wildlife Managment AreaHutchinsonJMS ObservatoryJoseph J. Casby ObservatoryKing GardensLavell Sky observatory- A private observatory near Hibbing.
Lee & Rose Warner Nature CenterLino LakesLitchfield High SchoolLong Lake Conservation CenterMAS Eagle Lake ObservatoryMagnuson Observing Site- A private site near Corning.
Mantrap LakeMetcalf Nature CenterMinneapolisMontgomeryNew UlmNorthfieldNylund Forest Observatory- Near Kego Lake, 40 miles North of Brainerd.
Old Mill State ParkOlin ObservatoryOscarness Observatory- A private observatory in Shakopee.
OwatonnaPaul P. Feder ObservatoryPelican Lake ObservatoryPilot's Cross Observatory- A private observatory in Andover.
Prairie Grass StargazeRamsey Observatory- A private observatory in Ramsey.
Red Top- A small town near Mille Lacs Lake.
RichvilleRochesterRockridge Observatory- A private observatory near New Prague.
Rush LakeSCSU ObservatorySMSU PlanetariumSaint John's University ObservatorySaint PaulSibley State ParkStacy's Stellar Observatory- A private observatory near Webb lake.
Standeford and Andreas ObservatoriesStarHome Observatory- A private observatory near Stacy.
Stearns Scout CampSulem Lake- Forecast also covers the towns of Mountain Lake and Butterfield.
Three Pines Observatory- A private observatory in Russell.
Tusaire Observatory- A private observatory near Zimmerman.
VillardVoyageurs National ParkWarman ObservatoryWasecaMississippiBarC Observatory- A private observatory near Long Beach.
BarCla Hill Private ObservatoryCabin-1800's SiteCarlton Astronomy Campus- A private observing site.
Daybis Observatory- A private observatory near Starkville
Delta State UniversityEast Central Community CollegeFennell Auxiliary Observatory- A private observatory near Horn Lake.
First Colony ObservatoryGrand Coteau Observatory- An observatory in Ford's Creek area.
Greenville- A town in Washington county.
GulfportHattiesburgHayfield Observatory- Observatory of the Pearl River Community College in Poplarville
Hazeldale Observatory- A private observatory near Carriere.
Highpointe Observatory- A private observatory near Oak Grove.
Howell ObservatoryHwy 29 and Benndale RoadJackson (MS)Jeff Busby CampgroundN5PA Observatory- A public spot near the Natchez Trace Parkway. Actually called the "The Florida Boundary", though it has no connection with Florida.
OxfordPushapatapa Creek Observatory- A private observatory near Sandy Hook.
Rainwater ObservatoryStar- The town of Star, that is.
Star Lake Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around McComb.
Stark Bayou Observatory- A private observatory near Ocean Springs.
Steve's ObservatoryT.O.M.S. Observatory- AKA Top of Mississippi Skies Observatory. A private observatory somewhere around Pickwick lake.
The CowpastureTupeloVicksburgWaltman ObservatoryWindy Hill ObservatoryMissouriAlbert L. Ruppel ObservatoryArrow Heights Astroimaging Observatory- A private observatory in Maryland Heights.
Aurora(MO)- A town in Lawrence County.
Baker ObservatoryBallardBaltimore BendBearcat ObservatoryBentonBert and Jeanette Lynch Memorial ObservatoryBig Blue ObservatoryBonanza Conservation AreaBonebrake Center of Nature and HistoryBoonvilleBranson Observatory- A private observatory in Branson.
- Public astronomy viewing area, with restrooms, provided by St. Charles County at
Broemmelsiek Park with telescope pads and electricity.
Brownington State Wildlife Area- Centered on the Copper Creek Public Use Area of Browinington State Wildlife Area. On Truman Lake
Bunch Hollow Conservation AreaBurris Fork Creek Observatory- A private observatory near California, MO.
Bush ObservatoryCameronCaney Observatory- A private observatory near Brownbranch.
CarthageCatawissaCedar Hill ParkCharles Douglas ObservatoryChillicotheColter/Menke Observatory- A private observatory in Etlah, between Berger and New Haven.
ColumbiaCoolHaven Observatory- A private observatory between Branson MO and Harrison AR.
Council Bluffs Recreational AreaCuivre River State ParkDanville Conservation AreaDawn's Light Observatory- A private observatory near Myrtle.
Duck Creek Conservation AreaEcho Bluff State ParkFarmingtonFayetteFoxStar II ObservatoryFoxStar ObservatoryFruitland- A town in Cape Girardeau county.
FultonGittins Observatory- A private observatory in Clarksville.
Goat Ranch ObservatoryGreenville Recreation AreaHannibalHawn State ParkHillsman's Observatory- A private observatory in Holden.
ICStars RanchIndian Foothills ParkJefferson CityJoplinJoseph P. Strogen ObservatoryJourney's End Observatory- A private observatory near Walnut Grove.
Kearn Memorial Wildlife AreaKennettLake Stars Observatory- A private observatory near Climax Springs
Lees SummitLoeber/Elswick ObservatoryLoggers Lake CampgroundLozwott Observatory- AKA Lake of the Ozarks Workshop of the Telescopes. A private observatory.
Maintz Conservation AreaMaramec Spring ParkMarshfieldMissouri S&T ObservatoryMissouri Western State UniversityMonswath observatory- A private site near Warrenton.
Morrison ObservatoryMurphyNotre Dame Regional High School Observatory- Observatory of NDRHS in Cape Girardeau.
Onondaga Cave State ParkOsceola (MO)Palmer LakePetroglyphPleiades Observatory- A private observatory in Canton.
Poplar BluffPowders MillPowersvilleRattle Snake Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Smithton.
Raymore-Peculiar High SchoolRed Oak observing site- A private observing site.
River Moss Observatory- A private observatory near Saint Peters.
Riverfront ParkRosebudRusty's Backyard- A private observing site. Forecast also covers the town of Lebanon.
SedaliaShepherd's RestShow-Me-Stars Observatory- A private observatory near Alton.
Smithville Reservoir- Forecast covers the surround parks: Bauman Park, Crows Creek Park, Camp Branch Park, Little Platte Park and
Smiths Fork Park and the nearby town of Smithville.
SpringfieldSt. LouisStoutsvilleTaum Sauk Mountain State ParkThe Backyard Country ObservatoryTruman State University ObservatoryTucker Creek ObservatoryUniversity of MissouriVan Meter State ParkWHS ObservatoryWaterfall Creek Observatory- A private observatory near Bunker.
WaverlyWhitesideWorlds Without End Observatory- A private observatory near Cherryville, MO.
MontanaBig Sky Observatory- A private observatory. In Big Sky, Montana.
Buffalo CampButteCooke CityCooney Reservoir State ParkDuck LakeEye In The Sky YOGO ObservatoryFar Horizons ObservatoryFinley Point CampgroundFounder's HutGreat FallsHalfmoon CampgroundHamiltonHelenaHighland Meadows Observing Site- A private observing site near Lupfer.
KalispellLittle Rock Creek ObservatoryLivingstonMissoulaMontana Learning CenterPompeys Pillar National MonumentRed LodgeRed Shale CampgroundShelbySouth Bootlegger CampgroundSouthwest Montana Astronomical SocietySt. Mary Visitor CenterTaylor ForkValierWapiticrossing Ranch- A private ranch near Haugan.
WilsallWolf PointNebraskaAlmaArthurAshbyAuburn City Recreation ComplexB&W Observatory- A private observatory between Louisville and Plattsmouth
Beatrice High SchoolBehlen ObservatoryBig SpringsBoswell ObservatoryBranched Oak ObservatoryClyde Sachtleben ObservatoryCordovaDavis Creek ReservoirFred G. Dale PlanetariumFremont(NE)Gilbert-Baker CampgroundGothenburgGrand Island- A private observatory in Hall county.
Grand Island KOA JourneyHansen ObservatoryHastingsHoney Creek Observatory- A private observatory near O'Neill, NE.
KearneyKoppany observing Site- A private observing site somewhere around Omaha.
Lexington(NE)LincolnLittle Ranch ObservatoryLoup Canal- A spot on the maintenance road along Loup canal owned by the Loup Canal Power District. Forecast also covers Platte Center to Monroe.
Lowry Observatory- A private observatory in Ogallala.
Mahoney State ParkMindenNebraska CityNebraska Nature and Visitor CenterNebraska Star PartyNorfolk(NE)- A town in Madison county.
North Platte- A town in Lincoln county.
Northwest Nebraska Star PartyOakland/Lyons Observatory- A private observatory near Oakland and Lyons.
OmahaPAC ObservatoryPrairie Golf AssociationScottsbluffStarlight Ridge Observatory- A private site, with public observing events, near Meadville.
Summit Lake State Recreation AreaTamoraThe Rezervatory- A private observatory between Wahoo and Omaha.
TryonWalnut Hill ObservatoryWeeping WaterWestern Nebraska Star GazeWildcat Hills ObservatoryNevadaAmargosa Observatory- A private observatory near Amargosa Valley.
Area 52 ObservatoryBelmontBerlin-Ichthyosaur State ParkBertucci's SkyBlack CliffBlack Rock DesertCathedral GorgeCopernicus Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Las Vegas.
Deer Lodge SiteDun GlenEcho BayFirst Light ObservatoryFleischmann Planetarium and Science CenterGardnervilleGas Line RoadGreat Basin CollegeGrimes PointHawthorneHendersonHigh Desert Astronomy- A private observing site in Pahrump.
Indian SpringsJack C. Davis ObservatoryLake Mead (ASN-LV)Las VegasLehman Caves Visitor CenterLovell CanyonLunar CraterLund Observatory- A private observatory near Lund.
Maclean ObservatoryMassacre Rim- Public BLM land designated as a dark-sky sanctuary.
Moapa ValleyMonte Cristo's CastleMt Potosi ObservatoryNelson's LandingOnion Valley CampgroundPahrump Valley Observatory- A private observatory near Pahrump.
Pinchot CreekRachelRed Rock CanyonRenoRuby Crest ObservatoryRuhenstroth Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Gardnerville.
Sand PointStokes CastleTonopahTonopah Stargazing ParkWashoe Zephyr Observatory- A private observatory in Washoe Valley.
WellingtonWhitney PocketsWild Horse ObservatoryWinnemuccaYerington- A site of the RECON project
New Hampshire- A private observatory near Campton.
Bailyhill Observatory- A private observatory between Plymouth and Lebanon.
Blue Sky ObservatoryBobservatory- A private observatory near Springfield..
Brennan Hill ObservatoryBrewster AcademyBroken Tooth Rock Observatory- A private observatory near New Boston.
Brown's Observatory- A private observatory near Newport.
ColebrookConwayCornishCors Observatory- A private observatory near East Hampstead.
Enif ObservatoryGreat East LakeGreat Northern Moose LodgeHampton BeachHanoverHawkins Pond ObservatoryHill Top Observatory- A Private Observatory near Mont Vernon, NH.
Home of the Bird PaparazziKeeneLaconiaLenore and Walter Hawley ObservatoryMASIL Observatory EastManchesterMark Ice Station- A private observing site near Peterborough.
Meetinghouse HillMount Washington ObservatoryNashuaNebula Knoll ObservatoryNewfound Lake- A private observatory site near Hebron.
Northwood Ridge ObservatoryPerkin ObservatoryPlymouthRough Acre ObservatoryRye Harbor State ParkSeminary Hill ObservatorySouth Tamworth ObservatoryStar IslandSwain Hill- A private observing site.
The Grainger ObservatoryTidewater Farm ObservatoryTmakwa Observatory- A private observatory near Twin Mountain.
UNH ObservatoryWilson Hill ObservatoryWiltonWoodland Observatory- A private observatory near Amherst.
YFOSNew JerseyAsh ObservatoryAtlantic CityBatstoBelleplain State ForestBlueberry Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Pemberton
Buehler Trust ObservatoryChestnut Branch ParkChiaro Observing Site- A private observing site.
Colliers Mills WMACoyle FieldDeer Path ParkDogwood Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Mendham.
Dreyfuss PlanetariumGreat Hall, MUHalliday Observatory- A private observatory in Brick Township.
Hamburg (NJ)Harold E. Taylor ObservatoryHigh Mountain Observatory- A private observatory on the base of High Mountain in the Preakness Range of the Watchung Mountains.
High Point State ParkHolgate- A twon on the Jersey Shore on Long Beach Island.
Holly Dome ObservatoryHolmdelInlet Outlet ObservatoryIsland Beach State ParkJenny Jump State ForestJoseph D. Tatem ObservatoryJustin's Space Pictures ObservatoryLake Hopatcong State ParkLakehurstLambert ObservatoryMetuchenMiddlevilleMonroe CAM- A private observing site.
MontagueMorris County ObservatoryNewarkNorth Jersey Astronomical GroupOaklandOcean CityPine Cone Observatory- A private observatory somehere around Pine Barrens.
Pine Valley Golf ClubPrinceton UniversityRobert A. Schommer ObservatoryRowan Astronomical ObservatorySewellSheep Hill ObservatorySky Bright ObservatorySourland Mountain Observatory- A private site near Hopewell.
Sperry ObservatoryStardom Observatory- A private observatory in Mt Holly.
Stokes StarpartyTeeter's Telescopes Workshop- A telescope maker's workshop and private observing site.
Tenafly Observatory- A private observatory in Tenafly.
Trenton (NJ)- A town in Mercer county. Forecast also covers Lawrenceville and Levittown.
Vincent Court ObservatoryVoorhees State ParkWHOPPER Observatory- A private observatory in Washington, NJ
Wawayanda State ParkWilliam D. McDowell ObservatoryNew Mexico- A private observatory near Datil.
AlamogordoAlbuquerqueAltair ObservatoryAmigo Too- A private observing site.
Anadromada Observatory- A private observatory near Deming.
Aqua Fria Peak- Forecast covers the genreal area of mountain Agua Fria Peak and the town of Angle Fire.
ArtesiaAstronomers Paradise- A remote pier-leasing observatory. Near Cotton City.
Astronomy Adventures Observing SiteBluewater Lake State ParkBosque Farms ObservatoryC.J. Observatory & RetreatCaballo Lake State ParkCamino de Estrella Observatory- A private observatory near Tijeras
Camp Tres RitosCapilla Peak ObservatoryCapulin Volcano National Monument- National monument Near Capulin.
The gate across the road leading to the visitor's center closes at 4:30pm. However, observers are permitted to setup scopes just outside the park's fenced area.
See map link for exact location.
Carlsbad Caverns Visitor CenterCasa De Kayla ObservatoryCasa Victoria Observatory- A private observatory about 7 miles from Santa Fe.
Casitas de Gila ObservatoryCelescina Ramah New Mexico ObservatoryChaco Culture National Historical ParkCharles Nicholas Memorial Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Mayhill.
City of Rocks State ParkClayton Lake State ParkClovisCoronado State MonumentCorralesCosmic CampgroundCosmos Observatory- A private observatory near Ilfeld.
CowlesDSO - UphamDark Ridge ObservatoryDark Skies Unlimited ObservatoryDark Sky New MexicoDarlington ObservatoryDatil Well Recreation Area CampgroundDeep Sky West Remote ObservatoryDeneb Observatory- A private observatory 8 miles south of Deming at 9175 Lucca Road SW.
Dixon Ball FieldDome Valley ObservatoryDutchman's Hill ObservatoryEdgewood Skies ObservatoryEl Camino Real Historic Trail SiteEl Morro National Monument Visitor CenterEl Rito ObservatoryElizabeth Ann Machol Dragonfly ObservatoryEnchanted Forest Ski Area- A cross-country ski area. Near Red River.
EspanolaEtscorn Campus ObservatoryFOAH ObservatoryFarmingtonFenton Hill ObservtoryFort SumnerGallup- A town in McKinley county.
General Nathan Twining ObservatoryGhost RanchGila Cliff Dwellings National MonumentGila Sky 22- Site of future private observatory.
GrantsHat Ranch ObservatoryHobbsHorizon Vista Observatory- A private observatory near Belen
Juniper CampgroundKiller Rocks ObservatoryLINEARLa Cienega Alta Observatory- A private observatory near Silver City.
Lamy Ridge Observatory- Site of private observatories.
Leasburg Dam State ParkLiving Desert State ParkLordsburgMagdalena Ridge Observatory- A ranch between Claunch and Ancho.
Mesa Vista ObservatoryModest Pinon Observatory- A private observatory in the Albuquerque East Mountains.
NF/ ObservatoryNew Mexico Astronomy VillageOak Flat Picnic AreaObservaterry- Terry's private observatory. In Truth or Consequences.
Oliver Lee Memorial State ParkPancho Villa State ParkPelona MountainRainbow Park ObservatoryRancho HidalgoRattle Snake SpringsRaven Sky ObservatoryRehobothRing PlaceRoswell- A guest ranch frequented by some amateur astronomers.
STACEESan Pedro Creek- A private observing site somewhere along San Pedro Creek.
San YsidroSanta FeSilver CitySky Ranch Observatory- A private observatory in Cerrillos, NM.
SkyPi RO and Howling Coyote RO- A pier-leasing remote observatory somewhere around Pie Town.
Star Hill InnStargate Observatory- A private observatory near Paxton springs.
Sugarite Canyon State ParkSunflower ObservatoryTanager Observatory- A private observatory near Albuquerque.
TaosTatumTelescopes in Education- Private Site provides donated hosting services for Telescopes in Education.
The Lazy J- Aka Stargeezer Home. A private observing site near Carrizozo.
The Section 8 ObservatoryThree RiversTop Of The World ObservatoryTruchasTzec Maun Observatory- A private site of the Tzec Maun Foundation which makes their telescopes freely available to students and researchers, though the internet. Near Cloudcroft.
VLAValle Grande Entrance StationVallecito ObservatoryValley Vista Observatory- Future observatory on a rental property.
Vista Larga Observation AreaW & B ObservatoryWhite Ridge parking lotWhite RockWhite Sands National ParkWolf Creek Estates Observatory- A private observatory near Alto.
ZuniNew YorkAdirondack Astronomy RetreatAdirondack Public ObservatoryAfterwood ObservatoryAlbanyAltona Observatory- A private observatory near Altona.
AmagansettAngel Light Observatory- A private observatory near DeRuyter.
Armour ObservatoryAu Sable Forks Observatory- A private observatory in Au Sable Forks.
Averted Vision ObservatoryB & P Myers Observatory- A private observatory near West Leyden.
Baltimore Woods Nature CenterBellvale Observatory- A private observatory near Chester.
Black Bear ObservatoryBlack Forest- In Adirondack Park. Along the Black River between North Wilmurt and Atwell.
Blue Heron Cove ObservatoryBolton LandingBreyo ObservatoryBroadway ObservatoryBrockport State ObservatoryBrookhavenBuffaloC.E.K. Mees ObservatoryCNYAC ObservatoryCSI Astrophysical ObservatoryCamp Observatory- A private observatory in North Blenheim.
Caumsett State ParkChristel ObservatoryClarence Fahnestock Memorial State ParkClarkson ObservatoryCobleskillCorvus Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around North Chatham.
DaVinci Observatory- A private observatory near Lockport.
Dad's Nest- A private observing site near Mayfield.
Darling Hill ObservatoryDepositDexterDraper ParkEileen Collins ObservatoryEllicottville Observatory- A private observatory near Ellicottville.
Elliott-Astronomy ObservatoryErnest B Wright ObservatoryEyeline Observatory- A private observatory in Ransomville.
Fair HavenFinger Lakes Regional Airport- Also covers the north-central portion of the Finger Lakes area.
Fishkill- A town in Dutchess County county.
Fleischmanns Observatory- A private observatory near Fleischmanns .
Floyd Bennett FieldFoggy Bottom ObservatoryForest Lake- A lake in the municipality of Livingston Manor.
Fredonia ObservatoryGabriel LakeGetzvilleGlens FallsGrafton Lakes State ParkGrandIsland Sky Watchers- A private observing site. Forecast covers Grand Island.
Graystar ObservatoryGreat Neck South High Big Blue Rebel ObservatoryHalf Hollow HillsHamlin Beach State ParkHamptons Observatory- A not-for-profit observatory in East Hampton. Formerly Montauk Observatory
Hart IslandHauppaugeHewlett Observatory- A private observatory near Canton.
Highwinds Observatory- A private observatory in Geneseo.
Hirsch ObservatoryHolt Rd. Observatory- A private observatory in Keene Valley.
JGS Observatory- A private observatory in Amenia.
James Baird State ParkJamestownKeeneKellogg ObservatoryKitters Angola ObservatoryKnox Octagon BarnKristina Observatory- A private observatory near Long Beach.
Lake Harris CampgroundLake Taghkanic State ParkLewis County FairgroundsLime LakeLiverpoolLone Pine ObservatoryLong Lake- Home of Penguin Rock Observatory.
Long Point on Lake ChautauquaLos Gatos B&BLyonsM & T ObservatoryMVAS ObservatoryMaloneMarathonMarshall Hill Observatory- A private observatory in Medina.
Martz-Kohl ObservatoryMassena- A town in St. Lawrence county.
Memorial Field of FlushingMiddlebury ObservatoryMiddletownMills Norrie State ParkMillsite LakeMonsey ObservatoryMontauk Point State Park- A state park at the eastermost end of Long Island.
MontgomeryMorehouse Lake Observatory- A private observatory near Hoffmeister.
Mt. Stony Brook ObservatoryNEAFNarrowsburgNational Golf Links of AmericaNew PaltzNiagara FallsNorth-South LakeNorton Cemetery- A public cemetary. Site of impromptu public stargazing held by a small group of amateur astronomers. In Keene.
NorwichOld ForgeOrbit Jet ObservatoryOssian Observatory- A private ovservatory in Ossian.
OwegoOyster BayPeppermill Skies Observatory- A private observatory on Long Island.
Perry Observatory- A private observatory in Manorville, NY.
Peters ObservatoryPhoenicia- Forecast also covers Chichester, Lanesville, Mt. Tremper, Willow and Shandaken.
Plattsburgh- A town in Clinton county.
Port ChesterPort JervisPotsdamRand Observatory II- MPC W71. A private observatory in Lake Placid.
RensselaervilleRichard S. Perkin ObservatoryRobert Moses State ParkSUNY UlsterSam's PointSaranac Lake Observatory- A private observatory near Saranac Lake.
Schroon Lake- A town and lake in Essex county.
Selkirk Shores State ParkShinnecock Hills Golf ClubSolis Lacus Observatory- A private observatory in Binghamton.
South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature CenterStamford- Home of Stamford Central School.
Star Watcher ObservatoryStargate 4173 at Grimaldi TowerStarmere Observatory- A private observatory around Hudson.
Starry Knoll- A private observing site. A few miles from Houghton.
Stone Tavern FarmStoney Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Clarksville.
Stony Creek Ranch Resort ObservatoryStonyHill ObservatoryStull ObservatorySunken Meadow State ParkSupernova Observatory- A private observatory near Floyd.
SyracuseThe HomCav ObservatoryThe KnobThe Marian and Max Farash Center for Observational AstronomyThe Mount Academy- A private school in Esopus, NY.
The Observatory at Tangleroot FarmTheodore Roosevelt Nature CenterThomas J Boyce ParkTimerson Observatory- A private observatory near Newark.
Tiplady Farms ObservatoryTobey Memorial ObservatoryTooley PondTransit Dreams NorthUnion College ObservatoryUpstate Stars ObservatoryVirgil ObservatoryVoorheesvilleWading RiverWakely Mountain- Chart also covers the towns of Indian Lake, Blue Mountain Lake, Inlet and Eagle Bay. The area is used by some observers
from Quebec. In Adirondack Park.
Walnut Mountain ParkWaning Crescent Observatory- A private observatory near East Meadow.
Ward Pound Ridge ReservationWatertown- A town in Jefferson county.
Waterville Public LibararyWeathertop ObservatoryWebster Park- A park in Monroe County, NY.
West Point ObservatoryWilcox ParkWindy Sky Observatory- A private observatory near Bellport.
Wonder Lake State ParkWright's Mill Observatory- A private observatory near Armonk.
North CarolinaACME Planetary Observatory- A private observatory near Raeford.
ASU Dark Sky ObservatoryAllison's WoodsAnimal Park at the Conservators CenterArameshArrowhead BeachAsheboroAshevilleAstroquestAvon- A town on Hatteras island.
Bahama- In Northern Durham Country, NC.
Ballantyne ObservatoryBanjo CreekBladen Lake State ForestBlue Ridge ObservatoryBrevardBrowns SummitBurlingtonCFASCape Lookout National SeashoreCarolina Beach State ParkChapel HillCharlotteCherry Hill Farm- A private farm near Union.
Chrysalis Observatory- A private observatory near Stokesdale.
Circle City Observatory- A private observatory near Pittsboro.
ClaytonColby Observing SiteConcord-Kannapolis- Forecast covers the tarea around the towns of Concord and Kannapolis.
CopperHead Ridge ObservatoryCraven E Williams ObservatoryDill Knob ObservatoryDogstar ObservatoryDoughton ParkDurhamFairfield Harbor- About 8 miles south-east of New Bern.
FayettevilleFerry Point observatory- A private obseratory near Elizabeth City.
Firefly ObservatoryFoothills Astronomical SocietyFranklintonGaston CountyGastoniaGlens of Grandfather Mountain- A private observing site.
Grassland Mountain ObservatoryGreensboroGreenvilleHammocks Beach State ParkHampton-Harmon ObservatoryHendersonville- A town in Henderson county.
HickoryHigh Peak ObservatoryHigh PointHigh Rock Lake Observatory- A private observatory near High Rock Lake.
HillsboroughHis Glassworks Observatory- A private observatory near Asheville.
Howell WoodsIndian TrailJacksonvilleJordan LakeKilpatrick Point Observatory- A private observatory near Hayesville.
Lookout ObservatoryLucile Miller ObservatoryM.A.R.S.ObservatoryMayland Earth to Sky ParkMedoc Mountain State ParkMerchants Millpond State ParkMill RidgeMorehead ObservatoryMorgantonMorning Star Observatory- A private observatory in the Pinnacle Mountains of Western North Carolina.
Mount AiryMount MitchellMountain High observatory- A private observatory near Highlands.
Mt. Pisgah Parking LotMurphyNovaLab Observatory- A private observatory near Salisbury,NC.
Oak RidgeOcracoke Campground- Campground on Ocracoke Island. In the Outer Banks.
Peek Observatory- A private observatory somewhere in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Pegasus ObservatoryPeppermill Observatory- A private observatory near Rock Hill.
Pettigrew State ParkPickersville Observatory- A private observatory near Mingo.
Pilot Mountain- FAS Bullington Observing Site
Pinehurst- Forecast also covers Southern Pines, Aberdeen, Taylortown, Monroetown and Wispering Pines.
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute- Radio and optical observatory site of the PARI public foundation. In the Pisgah National Forest near Rosman.
Presbyterian PointPrinceton Observatory- A private observatory near Princeton.
RaleighRankin Science ObservatoryRaven Rock State ParkRed Door ObservatoryRobeson Planetarium and Science CenterRutherford County Astronomical Society - Site 1SalisburyScottNC ObservatorySeaman ObservatorySeven Mile Ridge Observatory- A private observatory near Little Switzerland.
Shallotte- A town in Brunswick county.
Silver Creek ObservatorySmoky Mountain StargazeSnow Moon Camp ObservatorySouth Lake Norman- Forecast covers the southern half of Lake Norman .
SouthportSpring Hope Observing Site- A private observing site outside of the town of Spring Hope.
Squirrel Valley ObservatorySt. James PlantationStarHub Observatory- Site of observatory located near the Neuse Nature Center in Kinston.
Stone Mountain State ParkSurf CitySyzygy Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Asheville .
The Peninsula ObservatoryThompson's Yard- A site used by FAS Bullington. North-west of Winston-Salem.
Town Creek Indian Mound- A National Historic Site.
Is available for use at night only during published star parties or by special permit
Wayah BaldWeeksvilleWestVale Observatory- A private observatory near .
Whiteside MountainWilmingtonWright Brothers National MemorialNorth DakotaFargoGrand ForksJackson ObservatoryMartens ObservatoryMinotRural Logan County ObservatorySarles- 7 miles west of Townsite.
TheDamObservatory-Lake Tschida- A private observatory with occiasonal public star parties.
Theodore Roosevelt National ParkUND ObservatoryWillistonOhio- A & O Farm
- Observing site used by the Mid-Ohio Valley Astronomy Club. Near Parkersburg.
AmandaAnderson Observatory- A private obsrevatory near Shelby.
Appold PlanetariumAsteria ObservatoryAstronomy Club of Akron ObservatoryAthensBGSU ObservatoryBallreich ObservatoryBataviaBath Nature PreseveBerrysvilleBlack Swamp Observatory- A private observatory near Napoleon.
Blue CreekBucyrusBurg Observatory- A private observatory in Wheelersburg.
Burr Oak State ParkBurrell Memorial ObservatoryCAA ObservatoryCaesar Creek State ParkCanfieldChampaign Star Gazers Observing Site- About 9 miles from Urbana.
CincinnatiCincinnati Astronomical Society Dark Sky SiteCincinnati Nature CenterCincinnati Observatory CenterClarke ObservatoryClevelandCliff's Observatory- A private observatory near Marion.
Cobblestone Creek Observatory- A private observatory on Kelleys Island.
ColumbusComprix ObservatoryConneautCoshocton- A town in Coshocton county.
Cosmic Orchard Observatory- A private observatory near Columbia Station
Cuyahoga Valley National ParkDarke Sky RanchDaytonDefianceDon's Backyard- A private observing site.
Dorset Wilderness AreaEagle's Nest- A private observatory near Akron.
EastlakeEaston Woods Observatory- Site of future private observatory near Jackson.
Eldon Russell Park- A county park near Burton.
Field of Dreams Observatory- A private observatory near Salem.
Fishcreek Rd Observing SiteFort Meigs Observatory- A private observatory near Perrysburg.
Fred Bay ObservatoryFred's ObservatoryFry Family ParkGreasy Ridge- Near Crown City. A site of the OVAS.
Greg's Happy Place- A private observing site.
Grieser FieldHVAG SkyTourHamiltonHeidelberg CollegeHiram CollegeHollow Oak Observatory- A private observatory in Hilliard.
Hutville- Hutville is located on private property located between Columbus & Mt.Vernon, Ohio.
Indian Hill ObservatoryIndian Lake State ParkJefferson ObservatoryJohn Bryan State Park ObservatoryJohn D. Nielsen ObservatoryJohn Glenn Astronomy ParkKilbourne ObservatoryKimbleLabs Observatory- A private observatory near West Chester Township.
Kitt's Castle Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Galion.
LaGrangeLamping HomesteadLondonLorainLoveland- A town in Hamilton county.
LuckeyMadisonMahoning Valley Cortese Observatory- Observatory of the Mahoning Valley Astronomical Society. Near Braceville.
Mambourg Farm Historical ParkMarra's Frustration Center- A private observatory near Forest Park.
Miller ObservatoryMorrowNew BremenNewarkONU ObservatoryOberlinObservatory ParkOxfordPayne's Starfield Observatory- A private observatory in Fredericktown.
Penitentiary Glen ReservationPerkins ObservatoryPerrysburg Observatory- A private observatory in Perrysburg.
Pioneer Scout ReservationPorter- A town in Gallia county. Forecast also covers Bidwell, Harrisburg, and Kerr.
Rachel A. Hutzel ObservatoryRamsey ObservatoryRefractor Heaven- A private observatory near Genoa.
Rio Riley Solar ObservatoryRitter ObservatoryRiverbend Recreation AreaRome- A private observatory near Ashland.
Salt Fork State ParkSanduskyScenic Vista ParkSchoonover ObservatorySkyWatch ObservatorySolonSt Clairsville- Home of the NOVAE astronomy club.
SteubenvilleStillwellStonelick Lake State ParkThe Top Of The Sky Mini ObservatoryThe Troy ObservatoryThomas S. Toth Observatory- A private observatory near Spencerville.
Tranquility Gate ObservatoryTranquility Observatory- A private observatory near West Manchester.
Trout Observatory- A private observatory in Oak Harbor.
VermilionWCACWalter E. Schuele PlanetariumWest ChesterWhisper Observatory- A private observatory in Holland.
White Barn Observatory- Future observatory site near Bradford.
White Star Park- County park and home of the Sandusky Valley Amateur Astronomy Club (SVAAC). annual star party. In Gibsonburg.
Wolf Creek ParkWoodland Altars CampgroundWoosterYoungstownZanesvilleZeppy's Astronomical ObservatoryOklahomaAdams Ranch Dark Sky SiteAmerican Horse LakeAntique Photons Observatory- A private observatory near Claremore.
Aubrie Le observatory- A private observatory in Purcell.
BartlesvilleBixby Creek ObservatoryBlack Kettle National GrasslandsBlue Moon Astronomical ObservatoryBoktuklo Trail Head- Start of a trail and forest service road 5 miles south east of Honobia.
Broken ArrowCheddar Ranch ObservatoryChoteau(OK)Deerfield West ObservatoryEastridge Observatory- A private observatory near McAlester.
EnidFort Supply ReservoirGlass MountainsGreat Plains State ParkGuymonHugo Lake State ParkJAOWAT Observatory- Future private observatory site.
Kaw LakeKiamichi Skies ObservatoryLake Hall- A picnic area on the shore of Lake Hall, Harmon county.
Lake PawhuskaLawtonLiberty Lake- A park and lake near Guthrie.
Mannford Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Mannford.
MarshallMcGee Creek Natural Scenic State Recreation AreaMessier 110 ObservatoryMontgomery ObservatoryOKAstronomy Observatory- A private observatory near Tahlequah.
Oil Capital ObservatoryOkie-Tex Star PartyOklahoma Christian University ObservatoryOklahoma CityOleo Acres Double Barrel ObservatoryOwasso ObservatoryOwl Creek ObservatoryPassion Works Observatory- A private observatory. But open to the public by appointment. Call 405 496 6776. Near Prague, OK.
Ponca CityRed Rock FarmRobber's Cave State ParkSLL ObservatoryShady Grove Observatory- A private observatory north of McAlester.
SkyTitan Observatory 1Slippery Falls Boy Scout RanchStar Corral ObservatoryStiglerStillwaterTen Acre ObservatoryThe Great Plains BunkhouseTulsaTuva Observatory- An observatory the Tuva Astronomy Club. On Mt. Feynman near Checotah.
USAO JMOERC Habitat AreaUniversity of Oklahoma ObservatoryWashita BattlefieldWeatherfordWeis Farm observing site- A private observing site.
Wilson Observatory- A private observatory near Sequoyah.
OregonArch Cape ObservatoryAshlandBaker CityBandonBanks- A town in Deschutes county.
Blue Bucket InnBlue Mountain Star PartyBroganBrookingsBurnsCamp Sherman ObservatoryCascadia State ParkChampion SaddleChiloquinChristmas ValleyCoos BayCorvallisCottonwood Pit CampgroundCrater Lake National ParkCritter Observatory- A private observatory near Ruch.
Dallas (OR)Dee Wright ObservatoryDeep Sky Hermitage- A private observing site near Prineville.
Detroit Lake State Recreation AreaEagle's RestElginEugeneFalls City StarpartyFish Lake- Former site of the Oregon Star Party. In the Steens Mountain National Recreation Lands.
Also covers Fish Lake campground.
FossilGrants PassHaggart ObservatoryHancock Field StationHayesvilleHeaven's Gate ObservatoryHeppnerHood RiverJosephJuniper Hills ParkKah-Nee-Ta ResortKlamath FallsKlondikeLaPine State ParkLake of the WoodsLebanonLincoln CityLogan Valley Star PartyLookout MountainLost LakeMalheur Field Station- A non-profit education and nature center.
Marys PeakMcMinnvilleMedfordMilo McIver State ParkMinto-Brown Island ParkMitchell SchoolMolallaMonmouthMt Bachelor Star PartyMt Vernon (OR)Netarts Observatory- A private observatory near Netarts.
Observatory of The Dalles- A private observatory near The Dalles.
Ontario(OR)- Hard to describe briefly. Best read their webpage.
Palmer JunctionPendletonPine Mountain ObservatoryPooler Skies ObservatoryPowell ButtePrairie PeakPrinevillePrineville Reservoir State ParkRedmondRedwood Loop Observatory- A private observatory in Florence
Ritter ButteRogue River Observatory- A private observatory in Gold Beach.
Rooster Rock State ParkRoseburg AirportSalemSalem (OR)SalmonberryScappooseShepherds Lair Observatory- A private Observatory near Estacada.
SheridanSilvertonSisters Observatory- A private observatory near the town of Sisters.
Sitkum- A village in Coos County.
SkyWatcher ObservatorySkyline Rd- A spot on Skyline road near Obrist road, south-west of the Dalles.
Spodue LookoutSprayStaytonStub Stewart State ParkSummer Lake Hot SpringsSumpterSunriverTable RockThe Cove Palisades State ParkThe DallesThe OxbowTualatin River National Wildlife RefugeTwo Mile Lane ObservatoryUmatillaUnionUrsa Major Observatory- A private observatory in Sisters.
Vale- A town in Malheur county.
VernoniaWaldo LakeWaldportWapinita AirstripWhite River CanyonWilliams ObservatoryWoodburnWorthy Garden Club HopservatoryYaquina Bay State Recreation SitePennsylvaniaAI2 ObservatoryAliquippaAllentown(PA)AltoonaAngels Observatory- A private observatory between Nazareth and Bangor.
AnnvilleAstro-chaletBald Eagle State ParkBel Tor ObservatoryBlack Bear Hollow ObservatoryBlue Mountain Vista ObservatoryBoyertown PlanetariumBradstreet ObservatoryBrady's Run ParkBuckinghamBucknell ObservatoryC-Murrinsville- A private observing site in north Butler county.
CAS DS-2Cadmus Homestead Observatory- A private observatory near Robesonia.
Camp Onas- Near Ottsville. Site of the Stella-Della Valley Star Party and used by the BMAA
Camp Susque ObservatoryCandlewyck ObservatoryCanoe Creek State ParkCanonsburgCarlson R. Chambliss Astronomical ObservatoryCarpenter ObservatoryCelestial Exploration ObservatoryChambersburgChateau De Testa Stars- A private observing site.
Clarion University of PennsylvaniaClearfield- A town in Clearfield county.
Coatesville- Home to some members of the the DVAA.
Codorus Creek Observatory- Private observator near Spring Grove
CooksburgCruz ObservatoryDark Horse Observatory- A private observatory near Phoenixville.
Dartmoor ObservatoryDee-Top ObservatoryDingmans FerryDog-Star ObservatoryEagle Eye ObservatoryEckley Miners' VillageEdgewood Observatory- A private observatory near New Kensington.
Edinboro University Planetarium and Observatory.Edward L. Naylor Astronomical Center & ObservatoryElton Moonshine ObservatoryErieEureka ObservatoryEvergreen Observatory- A private observatory in Girard Township.
Francis E. Walter DamFrench Creek State GamelandsGCC ObservatoryGeneva College ObservatoryGettysburg College ObservatoryGettysburg ObservatoryGoheenville- A town in Armstrong county.
GoldGouldsboroGreencastleGreenville- In Mercer county. Home to the Greenville Area Astronomy Club.
Grove City CollegeGrundy ObservatoryGwynedd Mercy CollegeHAO Observatory- A private observatory near Monessen.
HarrisburgHearts Content Scenic AreaHebron Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Hebron.
HeilwoodHigby Hill ObservatoryHigh Knob OverlookHighlands ObservatoryIUP Northpointe Regional CampusJAT ObservatoryJohnson East Observatory- A private observatory near Connellsville.
Kennard Dale High SchoolKinzua Bridge State Park Visitor's CenterKittanning- A town in Armstrong county.
Kunkle Park- Park in Washington(PA) township.
LVAAS South Mountain CampusLake Ariel- A village in Lake Township, Wayne County. At the lake of the same name.
Lake Meade ObservatoryLake WallenpaupackLead Parachute Observatory- A future private observatory near Wellsboro.
LevittownLewistownLititzLittle Buffalo State ParkMCCC ObservatoryManheim Township PlanetariumMansfieldMeadvilleMerion Golf ClubMichael L. Britton ObservatoryMiddle Creek Wildlife Management AreaMingo Creek Park ObservatoryMitchell ObservatoryMorning Star Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around New Florence.
Mt. Chestnut Observatory- A private observatory in Mount Chestnut near Butler.
Mt. Pisgah State ParkNicholas E. Wagman ObservatoryNortheast Philadelphia AirportNutter ObservatoryORAS Dark-Sky SiteOakmont Country ClubOld LeBoeuf CemeteryOld Oak ObservatoryPalomar East- A private observatory somewhere around Warrington.
Pane Observing Site- A private observing site in Marshall Township.
Park Place ObservatoryPaslow Observatory- A private observatory near Bethel Park.
Persephone ObservatoryPettis Rd ObservatoryPhiladelphiaPiney MountainPioneer Park CampgroundPittsburgh Space Weather Observation AreaPlumPort AlleganyPrince Gallitzin State ParkPrompton State ParkPulpit Rock Astronomical ParkPunxsutawneyRaccoon Creek State ParkRadomski Observatory- A private observatory near Jeannette.
Rainsburg MountainRickett's Glen State ParkRummy's Stargazing Site- A private site near Cresco.
Sanctuary ObservatorySayre- Also covers Athens and Waverly.
ScrantonShelly Island Observatory- A private observatory near Goldsboro.
Sinnemahoning State ParkSolebury Mountain ObservatorySoutherton Observatory- A private observatory near Lewisburg.
Spring Mountain ObservatoryStarEffects ObservatoryStarGlider Observatory- A private observatory in Gibsonia.
Stardust Observatory- A private observatory near Port Matilda.
Starshine Farm ObservatoryState CampState CollegeStella Nova ObservatorySterner ObservatoryStrawbridge ObservatoryStroudsburgSusquehanna UniversitySusquehannock State ParkTGCOTamimentThe Bruce M. Bedow Memorial ObservatoryThe Friedman ObservatoryThe Geek Shed- A private observatory near Hartleton.
The Kiski School Astronomy ClubThe Loose Rooster Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Scranton.
Thornton Observing Site- A private observing site.
Tom's YardTreesdale ObservatoryTriplet ObservatoryTuscarora Shale Pit- In Tuscarora State Forest.(Phone Forest District Office #3, Blain PA, one working day in advance
to have the gate on Upper Buck Ridge Rd left unlocked.)
Twin Lakes Preserve Observatory- A private observatory near Shohola.
Union Street ObservatoryUniontownValley View Observatory- A private observatory near Kaseville.
WWYS Observatory- Aka Watch Where You Step Observatory. A private observatory.
Walnut Street ObservatoryWarrenWaynesburg UniversityWayside Observatory- A private observatory. Chart also covers the towns of New London, Avondale, West Grove and Oxford.
Weiser State Forest- This chart is centered on a gated site, not accessible to the public, that is used by the
Astronomical Society of Harrisburg,PA under a special activites agreement. Near Elizabethville.
Welsh Mountain Community CenterWest Valley Observatory- A private observatory. Near Fogelsville.
Westminster College ObservatoryWhispering Pines Camping EstatesWidener UniversityWilliamsportWillow Grove Area- Forecast covers Willow Grove, Hatboro, Horsham, Warminster, Jenkintown and Abington.
Winnerwood ObservatoryYCAS ObservatoryYCAS Stewartstown Observing SiteRhode IslandCumberland- Home of Steve's Back Yard.
Frosty Drew ObservatoryHopkinton CityJerimoth HillLadd ObservatoryMetacom ObservatoryPawcatuck River Observatory- A private observatory in Westerly.
Providence- Forecast also covers Cumberland, Pawtucket, Cranston and Warwick.
Pulvis Stellarum Observatory- A private observatory in Buttonwoods, Warwick.
Seagrave Memorial ObservatoryW. Alton Jones Campus ObservatoryWarwickWindsong ObservatoryWishing Star ObservatoryWoonsocketSouth CarolinaAikenAiken State ParkAndersonAndrew Jackson State ParkBad Creek Hydroelectric DamBaker Creek State ParkBarnwell State ParkBatesburg-Leesville High School- School in Batesburg-Leesville.
BeaufortBerkeley High SchoolBlythewoodBoeing ObservatoryBuck Hall Recreation CentreCaesars Head State ParkCalhoun Falls State ParkCape Orion Observatory- A private observatory near Mountain Rest.
Central-Clemson- Forecast covers Clemson, Central, Pendelton and Seneca
Charles E. Daniel ObservatoryCharles Towne Landing State Historic SiteCharlestonCheraw State ParkChester State ParkColleton State ParkColonial Dorchester State Historic SiteCongaree National ParkCoopers Hawk Observatory- A private observatory near Ridgeland.
Cottageville Observatory- A private observatory near Cottageville.
Croft State ParkDark Sky ObservatoryDenmarkDevil's Fork State ParkDixon Lomax Memorial Observing SiteDreher Island State ParkDue WestEasley, Liberty, Pickens AreaEbenezer Rd- Forecast also covers Rincon and Springfield.
Edisto Beach State ParkForest Acres Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Forest Acres.
Francis Marion University ObservatoryGayle H. Riggsbee ObservatoryGeorgetownGivhans Ferry State ParkGoodale State ParkGoose Creek- Members of the Tiger Cub Astronomy Club observe nearby.
GreeleyvilleGreenvilleHamilton Branch State ParkHampton Plantation State Historic SiteHunting Island State ParkHuntington Beach State ParkJones Gap State ParkKeowee-Toxaway State ParkKiawah Island ObservatoryKings Mountain State ParkLake Greenwood State ParkLake Hartwell State ParkLake Murray Observatory- A private observatory on Lake Murray near Hollow Creek.
Lake Shores- A town in Greenwood. Forecast also covers the western two thirds of Lake Greenwood.
Lake Warren State ParkLake Wateree State ParkLee State ParkLexington(SC)Little Pee Dee State ParkLittle RiverMAC-Hunter ObservatoryMAC-Johnson SiteMaxwell Point- A point on the north-east shore of Lake Murray. Near Irmo.
May River Road ObservatoryMountain Rest ObservatoryMuskgrove Mill State Historic SiteMyrtle BeachMyrtle Beach State ParkOconee State ParkOconee Station State Historic SiteOverstreet ObservatoryParis Mountain State ParkPoinsett State ParkRedcliffe Plantation State Historic SiteRembertRivers Bridge State Historic SiteRock HillRose Hill Plantation State Historic SiteRoxbury ParkSadlers Creek State ParkSanteeSantee State ParkSesquicentennial State ParkShaver Recreation CenterSpartanburgStony Ridge Observatory- A private observatory near Prosperity.
Sugarloaf ObservatorySumterSun City Carolina LakesTable Rock State ParkTaxahawTaylor Creek ObservatoryTaylor Oaks Observatory- A private observatory near Rock Hill.
Transit Dreams ObservatoryTroy Dark Sky Observatory- Near Troy and Mc Cormick.
TwinOaks ObservatoryWare Shoals ParkWest ColumbiaWorth Mountain WMASouth DakotaAvon (east of)Badlands National ParkBadlands ObservatoryBelvidere East KOABlack Hills State UniversityBremmon Road- A spot along Bremmon road, near Britton.
BridgewaterBrookingsBuffaloCaputaChamberlainClaytonColtonDakota Wesleyan University Observatory- An observatory of DWU. In Mitchell.
EpiphanyGood Earth State ParkGreenwoodGrimes Observing SiteHawk Observatory- A private observatory. Also known as Grandpa's House Observatory. In the town of Tea, SD.
Hidden Valley ObservatoryHodgson Observatory- Private observatory. Near Sunniside City.
Hot SpringsLaneLestervilleOglala Lakota College - Piya Wiconi- Site of the Oglala Lakota College Astronomy Club. At the Piya Wiconi site of Oglala Lakota College. Near Kyle.
Pickerel LakePierreScenicSioux FallsThompson observing siteTrippUnion Grove State ParkUticaWakonda area (Bethel Township)Wally's CornerWatertown- Home of the Watertown Astronomy Club.
YanktonTennesseeBaird Municipal ParkBarb's Ridge- A private observing site near New Hope.
Bays Mountain ParkBeagle's Nest ObservatoryBentonBirchwoodBlue Moon Observatory- A private observatory near Huntingdon.
Bryan CollegeBuck Bald Mountain- A public area at the summit
Burke ObservatoryCades CoveCat Creek Observing SiteCenter Hill LakeChattanoogaColliervilleColumbiaCordell-Lorenz ObservatoryCrystal Creek Observatory- A a private observatory in Middleton.
Cumberland Astronomical Society Dark Sky SiteCumberland Mountain State ParkCumberland Plateau ObservatoryDarkfire ObservatoryDiscovery Park of America- A museum-like park near Union City
DyersburgETSU ObservatoryEaslick Observatory- A private observatory near Cross Plains.
ErinF.Myers ObservatoryFall Creek Falls State ParkFennell Observatory- A private observatory in Oakland.
Great Smokey Mountains National ParkHayes ObservatoryHendersonvilleHendrix HabitatHidden Mountain ObservatoryHunt's Lodge Motorcycle CampgroundJacksonJefferson City- A town in Jefferson county.
Johnson CityKentucky Cutoff OverlookKnoxvilleLa VergneLilly Bluff OverlookLook RockMAS LaGrange siteMaryvilleMcMinnvilleMemphisMillard Oakley STEM CenterMossy Creek ObservatoryMountain CityMurfreesboroN4LB ObservatoryNewfound GapNorris LakeOak RidgeOneidaOrion AcresPickett CCC Memorial State ParkPigeon Forge Area- Forecast covers Sevierville, Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg.
Pleasant Hill Starlight ObservatoryPleasant View (Cheatham)- A town in Cheatham county.
Rabbit Hole ObservatoryRomulus ObservatorySassafras RidgeSavannahSerenity Hill ObservatorySkymont Scout ReservationSkywalker Observatory- A private observatory near Lawrenceburg
SmithvilleSpartaSpring City ParkStarr MountainTamke-Allan ObservatoryTellico Skies ObservatoryThe Looking Glass Observatory- A private observatory in Lancing.
The Winter-Hawk Memorial Observatory- Observatory under construction.
Twin Oaks Observatory- A private observatory near Soddy-Daisy.
Twin Pines ObservatoryUranias' Slave Observatory- A private observatory near Harrison.
Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory- Community observatory. In Brentwood, Williamson County.
Water Valley OverlookWears ValleyWhite Bluff- A town in Dickson county.
Windy Hill ObservatoryTexasA Wild Rose CottageASTROTX Observatory- A private observatory near Garland.
AUS501- A private observing site.
AbileneAbilene State ParkAguila Vista Lodge- A sky friendly bed & breakfast in Segovia.
Alibates Flint Quarries Visitor CenterAllan & Kay Poage Memorial ObservatoryAmarilloAnahuac Wildlife RefugeAncient Sky Observatory- Observatory of Mark / Star*Man & The Ancient Sky Astronomy Group
Annetta South Star Site- A private observign site near Annetta South. Used by some members of the FWAS by invitation.
Arbor Hills Nature PreserveArlingtonAsteroid Hunter Observatory- A private observatory in Carrollton.
Astro Birdie Observatory- A private observatory in Conroe.
Astronomers by NecessityAthensAtlanta State ParkAustinBad Wolf RanchBallauer Observatory- A private observatory near Azle.
Balmorhea State ParkBarton Warnock Visitor CenterBastrop State Park- A State Park, located in the Lost Pines area of Texas.
Battleship Texas State Historic SiteBaylor UniversityBeaumontBentsen-Rio Grande Valley State ParkBig Bend Ranch State ParkBig Spring State ParkBig Thicket Observatory- A private observatory near Lumberton.
BlackwellBlanco State ParkBlue Star Observatory- A private observatory near Richland Chambers Reservoir.
BoerneBonham State ParkBooker- Home of the Top of Texas Amateur Astronomy Club.
Bowser Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Live Oak.
BradyBrahmand Darshan ObservatoryBrazos Bend State ParkBrazosport PlanetariumBrenhamBryanBuckSnort ObservatoryBuescher State ParkBuffalo Lake National Wildlife RefugeBurlesonButler RanchCackle ObservatoryCaddo Lake State ParkCalaveras Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Elmendorf.
Camp PostCamp Wood Observatory- A private observatory near Camp Wood.
Caprock Canyons State ParkCaprock Canyons TrailwayCat's Eye Observatory- A private observatory near Fredericksburg.
Cedar HillCedar Hill State ParkChangstars Observatory- A private observatory near Pearland.
Cherry Mountain ObservatoryChicken RoostChigger Ridge- Primary observing site of the East Texas Allstars. East of Aberfoyle and west of Fairlie.
Choke Canyon State Park - Calliham UnitChoke Canyon State Park - South Shore UnitCibolo Creek RanchClaiborne West ParkClarksvilleClaudeCleburne- Forecast also covers Keene.
Cleburne State ParkClemens Sauer Homestead ObservatoryCleveland(TX)- A town in Liberty county.
College StationColorado Bend State ParkColumbia Scientific Balloon Facility- AKA CSBF near Palestine, Anderson county.
ColumbusComanche SpringsCooper Lake State Park- This chart is centered on the Doctors Creek Unit of
Cooper Lake State park,
but the forecast also covers the South Sulphur Unit.
Copper Breaks State Park- A state park near Quanah. Home to the Star Walk public astronomy program.
Corkill Astronomical ObservatoryCosmic Obsession - KerrvilleCosmic Obsession ObservatoryCrystal Beach- A town in Galveston county.
Daingerfield State ParkDark Sky Walker ObservatoryDavis Mountains State ParkDe QueenDell City- A town in Hudspeth county.
DentonDevil`s Sinkhole State Natural AreaDevils River State Natural AreaDinosaur Valley State ParkDolenDouble AA Observatory- Site of four private observatories. Near Alpine.
Driftwood Observatory- Private observatory site. Near Driftwood.
Eagle Eye ObservatoryEagle PassEast Fork Observatory- A private observatory near Linden.
EdinburgEisenhower State ParkEl PasoEldorado Star PartyElevation Estates- A neighborhood in Weatherford.
Enchanted Rock State Natural AreaEscondido RanchEstero Llano Grande State ParkEyegloo Observatory- A private observatory in Leander.
FWAS Rising StarFairfield Lake State ParkFalcon State ParkFalling Water Observatory- A private observatory near Comfort.
Fanthorp Inn State Historic SiteFiretail Observatory- A private observatory located between San Antonio and Austin.
Flint Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Christoval.
Fort Boggy State ParkFort Griffin State Historic SiteFort Leaton State Historic SiteFort McKavett- A restored frontier fort used as an observing site by the SAAA and JSCAS.
Fort Parker State ParkFort Richardson State Park- State park also contains
Lost Creek Reservoir State Trailway. Near Jacksboro. (940) 567-3506.
Fort StocktonFort WorthFossil View ObservatoryFox Run Park- A city park in the town of Spring, TX.
Franklin Mountains State ParkFriendship ObservatoryFrisco Commons ParkGalveston Island State ParkGarner State ParkGeorge ObservatoryGeorgetownGeorgetown Observatory- A private observatory in Georgetown, TX.
Goat Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Lipan.
GoldthwaiteGoliad State Park & Historic SiteGoose Island State ParkGordonville- A town in Grayson county.
Government Canyon State Natural AreaGranburyGreenvilleGuadalupe River State ParkHAS Columbus SiteHagerman National Wildlife RefugeHarmony ObservatoryHarper- A town in Gillespie county.
Hepcat Sky Observatory- A private observatory near Cypress.
HicoHigh Flight Observatory- A private observatory near Camp Alzafar.
High Ridge Ranch ObservatoryHill Country State Natural AreaHill County Star Watch ObservatoryHondoHonea-Egypt Observatory- A private observatory in Montgomery county.
Honey Creek State Natural AreaHords Creek Lake- A public Army Corps Park containing Friendship Park, Lakeside Park and Flatrock Park.
Horizontal Heavens Observatory- A private observatory near Spring Branch.
HoustonHueco Tanks State Park & Historic SiteHumane Animal Hospital ObservatoryHumble ISD Astronomical ObservatoryHuntsville State ParkHutto Lake ParkIndian LodgeInks Lake State ParkJasperJefferson (TX)Joe Lalumia Observatory- A private observatory near Rockwall.
John Paul II Catholic High SchoolJohnson CityKatyKemp's LakeKeystone Ranch ObservatoryKickapoo Cavern State ParkKyleLady Bird Johnson Municipal ParkLaguna Atascosa Wildlife RefugeLajitas- A town in Brewster county.
Lake AmistadLake Arrowhead State ParkLake Bob Sandlin State ParkLake Brownwood State ParkLake Casa Blanca International State ParkLake Colorado City State ParkLake Corpus Christi State ParkLake Cypress SpringsLake Livingston State ParkLake Mineral Wells State ParkLake Mineral Wells TrailwayLake Somerville State Park - Birch Creek UnitLake Somerville State Park - Nails Creek UnitLake Tawakoni State Park- State park near Wills Point 75169. (903) 560-7123.
Lake Texana State ParkLake Whitney State ParkLantham Spings CampLaredoLipantitlan State Historic Site- State park near . c/o Lake Corpus Christi State Park.
Little CypressLive Oak ObservatoryLockhart State ParkLofland Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Rockwall.
LoneStar Gazer ObservatoryLong Mountain RanchLonghorn Cavern State ParkLongviewLost Maples State Natural AreaLoveladyLozano ObservatoryLubbockLufkin- A town in Angelina county.
Lyndon B. Johnson National GrasslandsLyndon B. Johnson State Park & Historic SiteMEL Observatory- A private observatory near Wimberley.
Madhira ObservatoryMaier ObservatoryMano Prieto ObservatoryMansfield Dam- A popular observing site near Austin.
MarathonMarathon Remote Imaging ObservatoryMarfa- Town close to where even astronomers try to see the Marfa Lights,
an unexplained, but probably not astronomical, visual phenomonon.
Martin Creek Lake State ParkMartin Dies, Jr. State ParkMasonMatador Manor ObservatoryMatagorda Bay Nature Park- A Lower Colorado River Authority park.
Mayborn PlanetariumMayborn Planetarium & Space TheaterMcCameyMcDonald ObservatoryMcKinneyMcMahan MP Observatory- A private observatory near McMahan.
Mckinney Falls State ParkMeridian State ParkMikes Mobile Notary Service, Observatory- A private observatory. Contact for access.
Milky Whey ObservatoryMiller Creek Observatory- A private observatory near Munday.
Miller Observatory- Site of future private observatory.
Mineola Nature PreserveMineral Ranch Observatory- Near the town of Mineral.
Mission Tejas State ParkMole Hill ObservatoryMonahans Sandhills State ParkMonroe Remote ObservatoryMonroe Robotic ObservatoryMonument Hill & Kreische Brewery State Historic SiteMoody GardensMountain Springs Observatory- A private observatory near Gainsville.
Muleshoe NWRMustang Island State ParkNR RanchNameless Valley RanchNavarro Mills LakeNew BostonNolan River Park- Park near Blum and Kopperl.
O'Brien Dark SiteOak Tree Observatory- Private Observatory at Colony Cellars Winery.
Oaks & Stars ObservatoryObservatorio De SolitarioOdessa/MidlandOld Tunnel State ParkOrion Ranch ObservatoryPaducah Skies/Star Ranch Observatories- Two private observatories Southwest of Paducah.
Palmetto State ParkPalo Duro Canyon State ParkPalo Pinto Mountains State ParkPampaTXPandale Junction- A private observing site near Comstock.
ParisParkhill Prairie- A park in NE Collin County.
Pearland- A town in Brazoria county.
Pedernales Falls State ParkPersimmon GapPort Isabel Lighthouse State Historic SitePossum Kingdom State ParkPurtis Creek State ParkQuail Creek Observatory- An observatory near Southlake.
RCH ObservatoryRafes Urban Astronomy CenterRafter M Ranch ObservatoryRanchito de las Estrellas ObservatorRattan Creek- City park in Round Rock, North Austin.
Ray Roberts Lake State Park - Isle du Bois UnitRay Roberts Lake State Park - Johnson Branch UnitRed River ObservatoryRed Rock Ranch- A private ranch near Batesville.
Regina Caelorum ObservatoryRichmondRio Grande Village CampgroundRobastro Home ObservatoryRobert Reeves ObservatoryRobson Ranch- A private observing site near Denton.
Rock Star Observatory- A private observatory near Crandall.
Roofer Observing Site- A private observing site.
Round Top- A town in Fayette county.
S&Y ObservatorySAAA Twin Buttes SiteSFA ObservatorySam Houston State University ObservatorySam Rayburn- Centered on the south shore of Sam Rayburn Lake.
San AngeloSan Angelo State ParkSan AntonioSan Jacinto Battleground State Historic SiteSan Marcos Baptist AcademySanta Fe (TX)- Forecast also covers Arcadia, Algoa, Hitchcock, Dickinson, Alvin and Hillcrest.
Schaefer ObservatoryScharff Observatory- A private observatory near Walnut Springs.
Sea Rim State ParkSeminoleSeminole Canyon State Park & Historic SiteSerenity Way Observatory- A private observatory near Denton.
Shamrock ObservatorySheldon Lake State Park & Environmental Learning CenterShermanSierra la Rana- Ranch and dark-sky real estate development near Alpine.
Sigmund and Albert's ObservatorySilver Moonlight Observatory- A private observatory near Surfside beach.
Sky Dancer Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Sipe Springs.
Sky Pony ObservatorySkyWatcher Ranch- A private ranch. Public by appointment only.
Skyview ObservatorySouth Llano River State ParkSpace Center HoustonStarfire Observatory- A private observatory near .
Starry Nights Bed and BreakfastStars at Night Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Quinlan.
Stellar Skies Dark Sky Site- A private observing site.
Stephanie's Evening Solace- A private observing site.
Stephen F. Austin State ParkStephenvilleSterling CitySulphur SpringsSzabo Pecan Farm- A private observing field on a farm near Marble Falls.
TAMUK ObservatoryTandy Hills Natural AreaTarleton ObservatoryTempleTexarkanaTexas A&M University Teaching ObservatoryTexas Star PartyThe Astro Acre Observatory- A private observatory in Talty.
The Lair- A private site and certified Texas wildscape. Near Lampasas.
The Last Stand ObservatoryThompson Grove Picnic AreaTrophy Club- A town near Grapevine Lake.
Turner Research StationTwo Cedar StationTye Preston Memorial LibraryTylerTyler State ParkUBar Camp and Retreat CenterUBarU ObservatoryUTSA ObservatoryUvaldeValentineVan HornVernonVictoriaVilla StellarumVillage Creek State ParkWaffelow Creek ObservatoryWalcott SiteWasat StarWashington-on-the-Brazos State Historic SiteWatson Starview ObservatoryWaxahachieWest Point Observatory- A private observatory near West Point.
White Tail Run ObservatoryWhitetail Observatory- A private observatory that offers public observing. Near Georgetown.
Wichita FallsWindham Hill ObservatoryWonder Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Brenham.
Wyler Aerial TramwayZ-Field ObservatoryUtahAlpenglow ObservatoryAquarius Ranger StationBeaverBoulder (UT)Bryce Canyon National ParkBuilderbug ObservatoryCamp Floyd State ParkCanyonlands National ParkCapitol Reef National ParkCedar Breaks National MonumentCedar CityColony Skies ObservatoryDark Ranger ObservatoryDark Ranger WasatchDepth Afield ObservatoryDry Creek View Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Oak City.
Elizabeth RidgeEmigration Canyon LookoutFish LakeFlaming Gorge ObservatoryForest Road 006 Site 1Garden CityGoblin Valley State ParkGolden Spike National Historical ParkGreen RiverHiRes 1HiRes 2High Meadows ObservatoryHighland- Forecast also covers Alpine, Lehi and American Fork.
HuntsvilleIronWolf ObservatoryJaffa ObservatoryKnollLEAR ObservatoryLakeside SiteLaytonLeedsLoganMars Desert Research StationMoab ObservatoryMonument Valley- Centered on the small town of Goulding, this chart covers the central 20 miles of Monument Valley area.
Moose Springs- A privately owned nature preserve.
Morton Observatory- A private observatory near Pleasant Grove.
Mound City Observatory- A private observatory in Heber Valley.
Mountain Skies Observatory- A private obsevatory near Eagle Mountain.
Natural Bridges National MonumentNocturne ObservatoryObserva-Torrey- A private observatory near Capitol Reef park and the town of Torrey.
Orson Pratt ObservatoryPainted Rocks CampgroundPanorama PointROVORRed Mountain ObservatoryRichfieldSaint George- A town in Washington county.
Saleratus Ranch- A private observatory SW of the Abajo Mountains.
SandyScofield State ParkShaggy Mountain Observatory- A private observatory near Harriman.
Sierra La Sal Observatory- A private observatory near La Sal.
Sky Hound ObservatorySky Retreat at Westwater- A private observing site.
Snow College PlanetariumSpanish ForkSplit Mountain CampgroundStargazing ZionStellar Vista ObservatoryStrawberry Point ObservatoryTelescope Array Black Rock Mesa FD- A fluorescence detection site of The Telescope Array Project. The Telescope Array project observes ultra-high energy cosmic ray induced air showers.
Telescope Array Central Laser FacilityTelescope Array Long Ridge FD- A fluorescence detection site of The Telescope Array Project. The Telescope Array project observes ultra-high energy cosmic ray induced air showers.
Telescope Array Middle Drum FD- A fluorescence detection site of The Telescope Array Project. The Telescope Array project observes ultra-high energy cosmic ray induced air showers.
The Copernicus ObservatoryTrout Creek Observing SiteUtah Desert Remote ObservatoriesVermillion Cliffs ObservatoryWeber County North Fork ParkWedge Overlook- A spot on BLM land. Used by local amateur astronomers from Salt Lake City and Provo.
West JordanWest MountainWillard L. Eccles ObservatoryWolf Creek Observing SiteZion Gateway to the StarsZion LodgeVermontAbove the Clouds ObservatoryBeacon Hill ObservatoryBear Mountain ObservatoryBridgewater Hill ObservatoryBurlington- A town in Chittenden county.
Canaan- Forecast also covers Stewartstown, Clarksville, Pittsburg(VT).
ChesterEnosburg FallsFort Falstaff ObservatoryGeorgia Shore Observatory- A private observatory by the shore of Lake Champlain.
Glebe MountainGodfrey Road ObservatoryGraftonGranbyGreen Mountain ObservatoryGrout ObservatoryHildene ObservatoryHolcomb ObservatoryHorizons ObservatoryJust a Camp Observatory- A private observatory near Keeler Bay.
Lake Runnemede Observatory- A private observatory on Main Street in Windsor.
MT Scopehead Observatory- A private observatory near Richmond.
McCardell Bicentennial Hall at Middlebury CollegeNorth Branch SchoolNorthern Skies ObservatoryOlmzog Observatory- A private observatory near Marlboro.
- A private observatory near South Alburg.
Quarry Road ObservatoryRandolph CenterRutlandSt Albans CityStarlifter ObservatoryStarry Night Astronomy & ObservatoryStickney ObservatoryWashington(VT)West Haven Pass Observatory- A private observatory near West Haven.
WheelockVirginiaAppomattox ObservatoryBRAC Ivy Hill SiteBattlefield Observatory- A private observatory near Chesapeake.
- A private observatory, associated with the Friends of
Beacon Field Airport. Located near Beacon Field Airport, a former airport, now a shopping mall.
Beaglehaven Observatory- A private observatory of a member of NOVAC. Somehwere around Ashburn.
Bell Isle State ParkBelmont ObservatoryBig MeadowsBig Spy Mountain OverlookBlair Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Christiansburg.
Blue Ridge Observatory- On Flattop Mountain near Dyke.
Blue Ridge Regional Park- A park not open to the general public, but bookable by scouts and other groups. Near Round Hill.
Brooke Stream Manor ObservatoryBurnt ChimneyC.M. Crockett ParkCF Phelps WMACHRCOSMIC OBSERVATORYCahas Mountain OverlookCalf Mountain OverlookCamp HighroadCaney Ridge ObservatoryCape CharlesCashvilleCentrevilleCharles City observatoryCharlottesvilleChippokes Plantation State ParkClegg Observatory- A private observatory near Woodstock.
Cornland ParkCulpeper- A town in Culpeper County.
Dark Star Observatory- A private obsrevatory near West Fork.
Dogwood Ridge ObservatoryDouthat State Park- State park and International Dark Sky Park in Milboro.
East Coast Video Astronomy Rendezvous- The ECVAR star party held at The Country Waye RV Campgrounds in Luray.
Echo Ridge ObservatoryElk CreekElk Horn ObservatoryFan Mountain ObservatoryFancy GapFenwick ObservatoryFerrumFlint Ridge Observatory- A private observatory near Winchester.
Fort Hunt Park- Park in Alexandria.
Site of astronomy programs. Closes at sunset except for special events.
FranklinGeorge Mason ObservatoryGeorge Washington National Forest Helicopter Landing SiteGoshen- A town in Rockbridge county.
Grayson HighlandsGreat Falls Observatory ParkGrenville Base ObservatoryGrundland Astronomy ParkGuinea Observing Site- A private observing site.
Hampden-Sydney College ObservatoryHarrisonburgHay House Farm Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Louisa, VA.
Hidden Creek ObservatoryHidden Waters ObservatoryHopewell Observatory- In the Bull Run Mountains.
Isle of Wight County Courthouse- Centered on a field adjacent to the courthouse. Anyone using the site must advise the Sheriff's office.
James River State ParkJeromeKatherine Hill ObservatoryKeeble ObservatoryKelly's Chapel- A landmark for nearby observers.
King George Observatory- A private observatory in King George.
Lagniappe FarmLake Holiday ObservatoryLake MonticelloLake of the Woods Observatory- A private observatory (MPC I24) in Lake of the Woods.
Land's EndLaurel Bank- A private observing site.
Leakes Mill ParkLeander McCormick ObservatoryLeesburgLiberty UniversityLord Fairfax Community CollegeLynchburg College ObservatoryMark Slade Remote ObservatoryMartin ObservatoryMason Neck State ParkMillers Tavern- Along Rt 360 west between Tappahannock and Aylett.
Montpelier ObservatoryMorning Calm ObservatoryMountain View ObservatoryMurphicus Observatory- A private observatory in Western Loudoun County.
NASA Wallops Visitor CenterNOVAC Turner MountainNatural Tunnel State ParkNew Moon Telescopes ObservatoryNewport News Municipal ParkNorthwest River ParkOcean View Sky ShedOld Town ObservatoryOphelia ObservatoryOver The Hill Observatory- A private observatory near Flint Hill.
Pinetop Observatory- A private observatory near Mount Sidney.
PostOakPowhatan Wildlife Management AreaPrimland Observatory- A public observatory in Meadows of Dan.
Quiet Skies ObservatoryRagland ObservatoryRenaissance Academy- A city school in Viriginia Beach.
RichmondRidgewayRiverview Farm ParkRobert's Hill- A private observing site near Catawba.
Ryan Observing Site- A private observation site.
Sandy Point ObservatorySchumann ObservatorySelu ObservatoryShenandoah County ParkShiloh School ObservatorySky Meadows State ParkSmith Mountain Lake State ParkSomerton CreekSouth HillStarlight ObservatoryStauntonStaunton River State ParkStokesville ObservatorySummit Crossing Observatory- A private observatory near Spotsylvania.
Sunset FieldSweet Run State ParkThe SaddleThomas Harriot ObservatoryTidewater AreaTurtle Rock Observatory- A private observatory near Abingdon.
Twin Peeks ObservatoryViennaVirginia BeachWachapreagueWaynesboroWelsh Mt. Observatory- A private observatory near Shipman and halfway between Charlottesville & Lynchburg.
Windsor Castle ParkWinfree ObservatoryWoods Crossroads- A town in Gloucester County.
WythevilleYonderplace Observatory- A private observatory near South Boston, VA.
York River State ParkWashingtonAnacortesAriel- A town in Cowlitz county. Home of Yale Elementary School.
Artist PointAuburnBattle Ground- A private observatory in Woodinville. (Not to be confused with nearby Littlebear Observatory.)
Beggars CanyonBellevueBellinghamBickleton- A town in Klickitat county.
Big Bend Community CollegeBlazing Star ObservatoryBlue MountainBothellBrewster- A town in Okanogan county. Forecast covers the area of central Lake Pateros.
Broch nam Broc ObservatoryBuckley- Home of Torus Observatory (IAU 653). Forecast also covers Enumclaw and Bonney lake.
Camas Meadows Lodge- A lodge in the Camas Land south-west of Cashmere.
Camp DelanyCarnationCasa Becca del Norte ObservatoryCentral Washington University ObservatoryCentraliaChechaquo Ranch- A private ranch near Mazama.
Chelan- A town by Chelan by Lake Chelan in Chelan county.
Clallam Bay- A town in Clallam County.
Clearview Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Clearview.
Coal Creek Crest- A private observing site.
Colville Flats- A spot on the shore of Franklin Roosevelt Lake near Kettle Falls.
ConconullyCrest Airpark Astro-ShackDeer ParkDigital-SF ObservatoryEatonville Observatory- A private observatory near Eatonville.
Escure RanchEvans Above Observatory- A Private Observatory in near Vancouver, Washington.
Everett Astro SPFishtrapFriday HarborGold Mountain Observing Center- AKA GOMOC. A privately owed for public observing.
Goldendale ObservatoryGoldendale Sky VillageGrahamGraylandHigh PrairieHilltop Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Hoquiam.
Hobuck Beach- AKA H2O Observatory. A private observatory near The Horse Heaven Hills.
Horsethief Lake State ParkHurricane Ridge Visitor CenterIndian Prairie Observatory- A private observatory somewhere west of Spokane.
IssaquahKalaloch BeachKalamaKeechelus Lake- A point on the north-west shore of Keechelus Lake. Near the east side of Snoqualmie Pass.
Kelsar ObservatoryKennewick-Pasco-Richland- Covering the Tri-Cities area 15 miles around Kennewick.
Klickitat County Star PartyLIGO Hanford ObservatoryLake Goodwin- Town and lake in Snohomish county.
Lake LawrenceLake WenatcheeLittlebear Observatory- A private observatory near Redmond. (Not to be confused with Bear Creek Observatory, nearby.)
Long BeachLoowit Imaging Observatory- A private observatory in near Shelton.
Lynnwood- A town in Snohomish county.
Manastash Ridge ObservatoryMaple Valley ObservatoryMarysville Observatory- A private observatory near Marysville.
McCleary- A town in Grays Harbor county.
McClellan OverlookMcMurtrey Site- A private observing site.
Merk Observatory- A private observatory 11km SE of Moses Lake.
Mount Saint HelensMount VernonMt. Norway ObservatoryNew Astronomy Observatory- A private observatory near Duvall.
Nike Site ParkOAS Port Gamble SiteOak HarborObservatory Point- A point near Striped Peak and Freshwater Bay, on the Strait of Juan De Fuca.
Observe the Heavens Astronomy CampOlympiaPNROPalouse Falls Star PartyPixie Land- A private observing site.
Port TownsendPoulsbo Deep Space Observatory- A private obesrvatory somewhere around Poulsbo.
Rattlesnake LakeRawson Quarry- Former quarry,
now on public DNR land.
Used by target shooters and rockhounds in the daytime and by some astronomers at night. Parking requires a Discover pass.
RedmondRimrock Meadows- A campground near Waterville and Ephrata.
Ritchie ObservatoryRobert and Elisabeth Moore ObservatorySagebrush Skies Observatory- A private observatory in Eltoia.
Sauk Mountain OverlookSeabeckSequimShangri-La Observatory- A private observatory near Lyle.
Skunk BaySkywalker Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around Roosevelt Lake.
Snoqualmie Point ParkSouthwest Corner Mountain- A private observing site somewhere around Brewster.
SpokaneSpring Ridge ObservatoryStage Line RanchStargazer Observatory- Future site of a private observatory on Camano Island.
Starr ButteStarry Hill ObservatorySteilacoomSteptoe Butte State ParkStevensonSuiattle Valley- Two observing sites in the Suiattle Valley. A few miles north east of Mansford.
Sunrise PointTable MountainTanaeum Ridge and Peoh PointThe Jewett ObservatoryThe Naked Astronomer ObservatoryThe University of Puget Sound ObservatoryThe W.M. Keck Observatory at Pacific Lutheran UniversityThorn Garden ObservatoryTinyblue Observatory- A private observatory near Greenbank on Whidbey Island.
Trout Lake- A town in Klickitat county.
Twisp- A town in Okanogan county.
UI ObservatoryUrsae Majoris Observatory- A private observatory near Auburn
Voice Observing Site- A private observing site.
Walla WallaWashington State Star PartyWenatchee- Close to an observing site of the Camassia Group.
White SalmonWild Rose Ridge Observatory- A private observatory somewhere in the area of Cashmere.
Willow Grove ParkWinlockWinthropWoodland- A town in Cowlitz county.
YakimaWest VirginiaAlbireo Observatory- A privately owned observatory with a public outreach program.
Backus Mountain ObservatoryBlackwater FallsBreezy Point ObservatoryCalhoun County ParkCamp CreekCapon Springs and Farms- Aka CMOR. A private observing club.
Chanticlear Observatory- A private observatory near Bluefield.
CharlestonChestnut Ridge ParkDonald C. Martin Observatory- Observatory of the OVAS. Near Huntington.
Droop Mountain Battlefield State ParkElk River WMAFalling WatersGood Hope ObservatoryGreen Bank ObservatoryGreenbrier Observatory- A private observatory near White Sulpher Springs.
Hidden Bend Observatory- A private observatory near Romney.
Horizon Planetary ObservatoryJoseph Dale Perry Memorial Observatory- A private observatory near Fort Gay.
KK's HillKile Knob Observatory- A private observatory near Circlville.
Leaking Light Observatory- A private observatory in Waverly.
Leon Observing Site- A private observing site.
Moonridge Observatory- A private observatory near Harpers Ferry.
Morgan County ObservatoryMorning Star ObservatoryPossum Poop Hollow Observatory- A private observatory near West Union.
Shepherd University ObservatorySpencerSpruce Knob Mountain CenterStanding Stone ObservatoryWatoga State ParkWheeling- Forecast also covers Bridgeport, OH.
Wilderness Skies Observatory- A private observatory Limestone Ridge near Martinsville.
Wind Dancer Ridge Observatory- A private obsrevatory in Teays Valley.
WisconsinAppletonAuroravilleAztalan State ParkBalsam LakeBeaver DamBenson Lake Observatory- Site of private observatory.
Big M Observatory- A private observatory near Platteville.
Casey ObservatoryChequamegon National Forest- Centered on a gravel pit at the intersection of Forest Road 335 and Forest Road 1337, this chart
covers the central third the Chequamegon National Forest.
ColemanCranberry CornerCrex MeadowsCushing Observatory- A private observatory near Cushing.
Dave's Falls County ParkDe ForestDeep Woods Observatory- Site of future private observatory near Fence.
Dievseta- A private site near Warrens.
DodgevilleDryden ObservatoryEagle ObservatoryEllwood H. May Environmental ParkFond du LacFranklin- In Milwaukee county. Near a BYA affiliate starparty site.
Furtman Farm ObservatoryGreen BayGronlund Observing Site- A private observing site.
HG ObservatoryHarken ObservatoryHartman Creek State ParkHidden Valley ObservatoryHigh Cliff State Park- State park used by members of the ad hoc astronomy group at Plexus Corp.
HighBridge Hills Northern Lights Educational CenterInukshuk Observatory- A private observatory near Eagle River.
Jackson (WI)- A town in Washington county.
JanesvilleJorgenson Obs Site- A private observing site.
KenoshaKettle Moraine NorthKickapoo Valley Reserve Visitor CenterLa CrosseLadysmithLand-o-Clouds Observatory- A private observatory near Fond du Lac.
Leif Everson Observatory (LEO)Little Black TownshipLuckydog ObservatoryMadeline IslandMadisonMaiden RockManitowoc- A town in Manitowoc county.
Mark's place- A private observing site.
Meadowlark Ridge Observatory- A private observatory somewhere around near New Glarus.
Mequon Rotary ParkMichowka ObservatoryMilwaukeeMineral PointMinocquaMitten Lake Observatory |